
Responses from fiddler

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Teajay,Your constant haranguing of George is clearly a veiled attempt to stifle and build consensus against what you don't like about George's posts, otherwise you wouldn't be here wasting everyone's time. "Being the arrogant bastard that I am..."... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Teajay,Why are you so worked up over how George says what he says. He has every right to voice his opinion whether you think it is arrogant or not. And simply because you don't like his "absolutes", who are you to question his right to post howeve... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
"...George keeps pushing for his own finacial gain."How do you know what George's motivations are? Maybe you should set up a psychic hotline.Seems to me if a guy was interested in financial gain, he would price his unit more in line with other pas... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Have to agree with Vhiner. It seems everyone who as heard the PWD says that it is apples to oranges with the right HDMI cable.I was about ready to give up on the PWT/HDMI/PWD/ due to an upper mid-range glare. But after hundreds and I mean hundreds... 
Fusion Audio Romance series cables
I took a gamble with Eric's Romance ICs and never looked back. They are glorious. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
sorry for the typo. Should be, "...they're still doing..." 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
Charles1dad,My Indras are far more neutral than my PHY drivers. The PHYs are much warmer and not nearly as detailed, nor as fast as my Indras. I consider my Indras to be very neutral and an open window to what's in front of them. It did take well ... 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
My ceramic drivers are anything but hard sounding. They simply reveal what's in front of them and they do it exceedingly well.And BTW, my PHY drivers are sitting in their boxes. My PHYs haven't seen the inside of my listening room since my Indras ... 
Class D amps,bang for your buck ones
I built a Hypex UCD400HG with HxR and with transformers (not SMPS), Neotech solid core wire, upgraded connectors, etc. Stunningly good. Replaced my Berning ZH270.It took hundreds of hours to reach the peak that I am experiencing now, but I can't i... 
What will be the data storage method of the future
Google scares me almost as much as the government! 
Might want to try a search. I believe there have been a number of posts about the AA preamp. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Roysen, it may come as a surprise to you, but measurements don't tell you the whole story about how a speaker sounds. Far from it. If it was that simple, manufacturers could simply design speakers to measure perfectly and they would all sound iden... 
Tidal Speakers owners
"If what comes out of the speaker is the same as what is sent into it, it is netural.""...the same as what is sent into it..."And how do you know what that "same" is? Every component, including speakers, puts it's signature on the sound. The only ... 
The Harbeth phenomenon
El34,What's the difference between a musician and a large pizza?******A large pizza can feed a family of four !!! :) 
Avalon User ?
Stealth Dream Petite speaker cables, Stealth Dream power cords, Fusion Romance ICs.