

Responses from femoore12

Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
@ovinewar1  +1 Very nice post.   
I am so happy.....
Congrats! Most people in this hobby will never allow themselves to be happy with their system. If it sounds good to you then that is all that matters.   
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
@djones51  Not all opinions are equal, especially opinions espoused by NeoNazis, skinheads and conspiracy theorists. I'm tired of reading these antisemitic,  racist, conspiracy addled  comments and sitting by as if they're normal conversations. ... 
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
@ghdprentice  Some thing that has followed me through life. I took logic in college and became a scientist. My skepticism has remained… ferreting the truth. Living all over the world and understanding different points of view. I have to admit, I... 
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
What was the original question of this discussion?  I do believe that high end audio equipment has escalated in price above the levels of inflation that we are seeing. A lot of the more expensive equipment is cutting edge and requires higher qual... 
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
Neo-nazis, skinheads, conspiracy theorists, etc. I always enjoy how people in this forum result to name calling and labeling when someone posts an opinion they don't agree with. Just ignore it and move on.    
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
That answer really depends on your personal definition of HiFi.   
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I installed some SR Purple fuses 3 weeks ago. Sound is amazing. Refines the details between the notes.   
Russian tube supply issues
@artemus_5  Meanwhile, China is loving this idea. I hope this goes no further than Saudi Arabia. I believe this was the plan all along. Africa, South America, Central America, and all of Asia will agree to trade in non-US currencies. Europe an... 
Russian tube supply issues
Prof, if you purchase Russian tubes and they are restocked via China, as mentioned in a post above, you should consider if you might be supporting the Russian economy by doing so.   So the plan is to punish the Russian citizens into abject pove... 
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
You will start seeing them for sale on eBay soon at inflated prices.   
Whats playing on your system today?
Citizen Cope - "One Lovely Day" Great recommendation @dabel!  His music is really hard to categorize and that is a good thing.   
Whats playing on your system today?
@dabel 😂 This discussion thread keeps me spending money! Fair warning… all of Steven Wilson’s music is good. It’s a deep deep rabbit hole.   
New speaker cables
Good for you! Same thing happened to me. I didn’t believe higher quality cables could make a sonic difference until I finally acquired some and tried them.   
Whats playing on your system today?
Steve Wilson - "Insurgentes"