

Responses from falconquest

China built tube amps
Whoa, I like politics as much as anyone but the mods will close this thread if it strays into it. Let's stick with amplifiers. I did some research on the Carvers today but Bob doesn't make an integrated...bummer!  
Anyone Seen a Feb 2022 Stereophile Issue??
Yup, got mine.  
China built tube amps
The dealer told me to buy Ayon or wait for it.........Atma-Sphere! I told him sure, I would love to buy those amps, but that was way more than I wanted to spend on my first tube amp in my second system. I get the whole buy American thing for servi... 
China built tube amps
@shtinkydog I don’t really get it either. It would have been a quick sale for them since I was ready to buy. I’m in sales and know how to recognize a buying signal. I could outsell this guy by wide margins! Who cares what the customer wants. If ... 
China built tube amps
@tsushima1 Uhm, it's because they advertise it on their website and they show it as being on sale. That's why.  
China built tube amps
@tablejockey Yes, I understand that. It's just that I never paid a lot of attention until I decided to explore tubes myself.  
China built tube amps
The room is my finished basement. Not huge, about 16' x 20' with 8' insulated ceilings. I currently have a pair of Spendor A6R's that are 88db but I have a buddy who has a pair of Legacy Audio Signature III's that I can easily get my hands on that... 
China built tube amps
Just so everyone knows, I have been doing a lot of research and was ready to buy. I have read plenty of forums, read reviews and looked for specific responses from owners. What I didn't know is the dealer I called (he is not my dealer btw.) was a ... 
Remote Maintenance
Pun intended?  
432 EVO
I am still around and no, I have not tried one.  
Remote Maintenance
@millercarbon Yes, but was it a linear power supply? 😁 I actually have to be careful when using my Oppo remote. It triggers my pre-amp volume control and can drastically increase the volume unknowingly.  
Remote Maintenance
Gee, and I thought I was bad! LOL, thanks for the responses. Look forward to more.  
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Speaking of speakers 😏, I think there is one aspect of speakers that is quite often overlooked and that is decoupling them from the floor. If they are isolated they won't transmit vibrations through the floor and color the sound. It worked for me.  
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please-
While I can't argue with the likes of Greg Lake, Ian Anderson and the collaboration between Bing Crosby and David Bowie, my favorite song has always been Carol of the Bells, When done right it is stunning. The first video is traditional and the se... 
Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?
On a different forum a dealer was discussing value for the dollar in equipment and someone chided him by saying, :Yeah, this is the guy that will sell you a $5000.00 DAC". As if that were ridiculous. I thought to myself hmm, I have a $5000.00 DAC....