
Responses from emorrisiv

The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt
I have always wondered why some amps cost so very very much.How much difference can there be? Granted WonderCaps or whatever the latest in high end pieces are called now,are more expensive than higher production components are,but the design R&... 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
What a great thread! I have been fascinated by tube amps for years and have never had the money or gumption to go that way,though the systems that I have heard have been magical.I am leaning more and more toward taking the plunge and going with a ... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Herbert Howells English Cathedral Music,especially the "Collegium Regale"(King's College) service.Mozart's Requiem,possibly the most important piece ever.Beethoven's 9th symphony.A turning point in history.ahh so much music, so little time.e 
Which Power Cords: I Need Some Informed Guidance
"After market power cords can lower system noise by reducing noise in the AC delivery"if this is true, and I have every reason to believe it,then what will happen as they "break in"?I am sitting here listening and typing this string.I have just in... 
Which Power Cords: I Need Some Informed Guidance
I have had a hard time "believing" in the power cable has sound qualities argument. With that I just installed a pair of "massive" power cables I won off ebay for $37.00 a piece/plus shipping. These babies are massive and seem to be well construct... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Way to go Timtim. I have not tried the DYI cloud yet, but I am trying to get the materials to do it. I did pickup a set of the Dmotto bearing stands and they work great,and were not expensive at all. I won them here on audiogon. Meanwhile I am sti... 
Incredible deal for speaker cable bottom-feeders
The cables have gotten better and better. I added the locking Nakamichi locking bananas and the bass tighten up. I have put about 40 hours on them and they seem to be getting smoother and more detailed.The sound floor from my system has been lower... 
Best I2s cable for the Money?
Well I recieved the cable from HCM.It is a Audio Magic .5m red thingy.After plugging it in I have fou nd that I was in error in thinking that it would be a linkm between my Dac and jitter box.Apparently the I2S port on the jitter box is for input ... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
LOL!!! most of my gear is from either the 70s or 80s so I guess I'm just a retro kind of guy.Some people also call this old age.I guess I will just sit back in my mid century Danish chair and sip some more single malt while I rap my knuckles on th... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
This is fun. "I *think* that in this case denser would be worse, no? The denser the material, the higher the coupling & the worse the isolation. Racquetballs might be better as they are more full of air - less coupling??"Could be. I would neve... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
I was thinking of doing the same thing but was thinking hand balls or squash balls since they are much denser than raquetballs. I was thinking of getting a slap of plexiglass (like gingko uses) and using a hole saw to cut the holes so that the bal... 
Review: Acoustat Model 2 Speaker
I have a set of model 2s and can't imagine ever parting with them.Except for maybe a set of 2+2s. I am curious about one of the comments made about the transformers needing servicing every few weeks.!!!????!! huh!!!?? I have had these speakers for... 
Incredible deal for speaker cable bottom-feeders
I picked these up a couple of weeks ago. They have great physical appearence;good looking terminators and shielding.The sound so far has been fine,and is getting better so break in is still occurring.They are 14 gauge so it should take some time. ... 
Turntable advice?
IMHO the "front end" of any system is the most significant part.Of course all the links in the chain are important, but the source of the signal;the origin of the gathering of music is the least common denominator of what you will hear in the end.... 
Best I2s cable for the Money?
Went ahead and ordered a Audio magic cable. I will get back with you on the sounds.