
Responses from elmuncy

Willing to be proved wrong.
The phono input arrived today at noon. I hooked it up right away to make sure that it worked. I've made at least four trips down my basement for records. I had to make myself stop half an hour ago. I listened for almost five hours! I have to keep ... 
Static problem? Try this
I welcome the idea, and will try it immediately. I recently knocked out my MSB Link when I touched it. I thought I had blown it out or something. In the winter here in Minnesota, I have a humidifier running full time, and I've noticed that when we... 
Willing to be proved wrong.
The Rat Shack is on the way. I'm looking at thinking at this point, because in the past it seems that I've always jumped too fast. For once in my life I'd like to make an "informed decision" 
Men & Women & Bass
How do you feel when a vehicle with a loud sub-woofer drives by your house at night? I hate to admit to not being manly, but this is one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. 
Willing to be proved wrong.
I don't know if this thread is dead or not, but I'll say more. I've got my old Garrard hooked up to my Yamaha and from that to my Creek. This would have to be a worst case scenario, as this is not the way to hook things up, my TT is crappy, the ca... 
Willing to be proved wrong.
I thank all of you for taking the time to respond. The rest of my equipment is, Creek 5350SE integ amp, Vandersteen 2C speakers, Kimber 8VS speaker wire, Zu Oxyfuel interconnects, I have other stuff, but not pertinent to this discussion. As a quic... 
Why are you here? ...music or equipment
I think that those of that are here in the first place are gear lovers more than music lovers. If it were just the music we'd be content with boom boxes and walk man stuff. My wife, for one, has a lot of cd's and doesn't care if they're played on ... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
There are a lot of technical details that I have no experience with. However, I know Ernie to be a person of character. I've dealt with him, even sent money to him, and he's got integrity. Which in a nutshell means that I believe him. Audiogon sho... 
My wife is so uncool!
Raceperegrine, once the wedding takes place, you can forget about the "sweet spot" 
what power to use on msb link dac 3
I'm using the one that came with the unit. It's a transformer. Is this somehow defective? If so why do they sell them that way? 
Burnin CDs? Sound loss/degration question
There was just an article in "The audiophile voice" where several brands of blanks were compared and the results noted. The main advice was, copy to the hard drive first and then to the blank. Why would this be better? I've made copies on my compu... 
Can Cable get Damaged?
Everyone knows that when wires are bent, and not perfectly straight it forces the electrons to go around turns, and believe me they don't like it. 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
It was like that with me. Some of the things that I have purchased are expensive, to me that is, probably not to some of you. I would look at the new expensive thing and want to like. I've not just listened for a few minutes either. Try months. Ab... 
Where does your user name come from?
There's nothing original here. My full name is Elwood L. Muncy 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
I think that double blind testing is essential. I have actually fooled myself. Upon receiving something new in the mail, I immediately hook it up, and am "astounded" by how much better it sounds that what it replaced. After a prolonged listen, and...