

Responses from elberoth2

Best transport under 2 grand for bryston bp25 da
Kana813: his AEM Stand Alone with implemented ALS (Anti Lag System)feature will take care of that ;-) 
Best Transport for under a $1000
Data Basic II. Some claim, that it sounds even better than Jade. 
Anyone tried retrofiting AT&T to Theta Data Basic2
Well I contacted John @ theta and it seems that theta no longer makes those AT&T plug-in modules, anyway.I think I will stick with my Illuminati Orichid AES/EBU digital cable then. 
Anyone tried retrofiting AT&T to Theta Data Basic2
Well, I paid 600 bucks for a ABSOLUTELY miny Data Basic II, adding an AT&T option would probably make it a 900$ buy.I don't really think that there are too many better sounding 900$ transports.I just upgraded mu Basic IIIa to Gen Va, and I'm t... 
Anyone tried retrofiting AT&T to Theta Data Basic2
BelCanto eVo2 vs Plinius SA102 vs Pass X-150
Anyone else ? 
Plinius or YBA?
I heard them both. Both are little great amps. Plinius may be a little bit to warm souunding for some. Integre is far more transparent. Loved both. 
Forsell Statement Who and what are they?
It was a Swedish company, run by a "mad" dentist. Unfortunately they went out of bussines.There was a review in Stereophile written by JS a few years back. 
Gryphon 2200 or wait for the new Rowland ice power
Mpal: true TacT is too dry and dificulties driving difficoult loads. 
What is today's best CD transport in the 4k-6k?
IMO Burmester and MBL are much overrated in the US. Those are good transports (not excelent ones) with radiculous price tags. 
Transport Life Expectancy
You have to check around what transport mechanism they are build. Some of them, like CDM-9Pro used in Theta Basic I/II, PS Audio Lambda and Krell KPS-20i among others, are no longer available, and to make things worse, the spares are depleted.On t... 
Looking for a transport with word clock input
I know at leas 3 transports that have word clock input (via TosLink):dpa Enlightenmentthe new Chord transport (forgotten the name)Arcam DeltaLinn Karik ?dpa and Arcam are not available any more 
Gryphon 2200 or wait for the new Rowland ice power
I would wait for the Rowland. I rate 2200 on par with Concentra. If the new Rowland will be better than the Concentra, I would go Rowland. 
Gryphon gets no press, but is great.
Budrew: If you liked Callisto 2100, you should listen to Callisto 2200 - you will like it even more.Personally, I do not like Callisto 2100 (I have had it on loan for over a month) that much - I found it a bit to lean sounding. Callisto 2200 is mu... 
which is your opinion about the new Halcro preamp?
There was a review by Martin Colloms in a last issue of HFN & RR.He found it to be averange sounding preamp for the (high) price.