

Responses from elberoth2

Transport with volume control?
Although that is technically possible, I have never heard of a CDT with build-in digital volume control. If you wanna run your DACs directly to the power amps, you may consider Z-Systems RDP-1 or TacT RCS for digital attenuation purposes. I have h... 
Kimber vs Transparent
Dewinkle -> see my "System" link. 
Kimber vs Transparent
I have had a pair of Transparent Ultra MM speaker cables for over two weeks for a home trial. I found them a bit dark sounding (or at least closed in) and siriously lacking in resolution and low level information. The highs were grainy and lacked ... 
ARC REF II mkI vs. BAT VK-51se
I would like to hear more about that too. I have thes same dillema - which one to choose. I was also thinking about getting Asthetics pre. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Focal JMlab Grande Utopia Be, nothing comes close, period. 
Mark Levinson no.37 cd transport
Even when you figure out how to set the jumpers, you will probably have to replace the chip inside the ML anyway - at least that is what Polish ML distributor told me. This is a ML anti-export protection.The same system is used in Krell products. ... 
The end of Focal based speakers like Wilson Audio?
I used WATT as an example. The X1, MAXX, XS use not only the tweeter, but also Focal woofers. 
Theta Gen Va Mods
I installed my Digital Lens today. I put it between my Theta Data Basic II CDT and Theta DS Pro Gen Va DAC and conected with Illuminati Orchid digital cable.The resoult is simply mind blowing. The added smoothness, detail, air, texture and bloom t... 
Audioquest Panther or Jaguar which is musical?
Of course it does - it uses a Teflon dielectric vs PE in Jaguar. The dielectric material used is the only difference between them. 
Looking for DAC suggestions
IMO you should spend a bit less on the dac itself, and buy a real transport instead of the NAD CD player you intend using. It would make a far bigger difference. Theta Data Basic II is an excelent "starter", you can pick up a mint example for 600$. 
Jm Lab-which is better?
A friend of mine owned both Mezzo Utopias and then Alto Utopias BE (which were a direct replacement in JM lab line to Mezzo). He regreats selling Mezzos.His system consists of JRDG Synergy IIi pre, JRDG power amp, Audiomeca Mephisto II CD. 
theta tlc between transport and dac benefit?
Yes it works, but ONLY when fed with HQ TosLink cable. The reason why it doesen't work whe way it should when fed with coax cable are the ground problems. There was a review in a hi-fi news a few years back with measurments to back up this theory,... 
Theta Gen Va Mods
I will let you know, when I got mine Lens. 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
I will second on AudioQuest Everest speaker cable. Simply the best cable I have ever heard/used. They directly replaced Transparent Audio reference XL MM in my system and there was no comparision between the two. The Everest bested Ref XL in every... 
Theta Gen Va Mods
I just bought Digital Lens for my Gen Va. Still haven't received it though.