
Responses from ejr1953

Shipping. Hard Lesson.
We did an "out of state" move in June.  When the movers were about to grab my power amp (110#), speakers (122# each), and subwoofers (133# each) I warned them, so they wouldn't hurt themselves, and I was amazed at how easy it was to handle these i... 
Perfect sound Now what?
I had experiences similar to those who have posted here.When I "finished" my 5-6 year journey, swapping out this, upgrading that, I got my system to the point where I could relax and enjoy the music, as the "sound of the system" was where I wanted... 
Shipping. Hard Lesson.
I have always kept the original factory cartons, to avoid the story you told.  One of my buddies who had a large McIntosh power amp had the same experience with "generic" packing materials.  I think he said that purchasing the factory carton was s... 
What have you been working on in 2020?
My audio equipment is all packed up in the original factory cartons, as we are having a new home built, with a "bonus room" over the garage for my "man cave".I worked with the builder to adapt their "standard bonus room" to make it useful for my l... 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
I've been pretty lucky with my purchases, even luckier connecting with people who gave me great advice, which guided me to "listen for myself". 
Hegel H590 vs. PS Audio DIRECTSTREAM DAC.
I bought the PS Audio DirectStream DAC shortly after it was introduced, and don't use the DAC built into my preamp, thought it is quite good.  One thing I really enjoy about the PS Audio is how they distribute firmware updates, usually 1 or 2 a ye... 
Why the truth is not in them ??
Trust is definitely the glue that holds our society and economy together.  In my experience, fortunately most of the people I interact with are "trustworthy", not all, but most seem to be.With regard for buying and selling on this site, whenever s... 
Diminishing Returns
Years ago, when I could see the "light at the end of the tunnel" for my kids' college expenses, I began a several year journey to change this, upgrade that, etc.  My system is at the point now where I'm "satisfied" and like the original post, will... 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
One of my audio buddies was preparing his house for listing with a real estate agent, who asked that he remove the giant speakers, but he refused, and the agent had the staging company deliver some very large plants to place in front of them for s... 
Is imaging reality?
I have a system I really enjoy, especially the imaging and sound stage.My wife & I flew to Boston to enjoy Anne-Sophie Mutter playing the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  When we returned home I played her SACD ... 
Musings from old school on High Fidelity
I'm thinking that our current "big iron" approach to hi-fi, matching this component with that, using a such and such interconnect, will become mostly a "thing of the past".  The younger generations don't seem interested in this approach.I recently... 
You know you are an Audiophile when:
With regard for how much you've spent on your system, you have "more dollars than sense"... 
Anybody want a laugh?
I didn't see in the photo where one would pour snake oil into the switch. 
Moving company illinois
A few weeks ago we sold our home in Maryland and moved our stuff down to Asheville, NC, about 500 miles away.I checked the Department of Transportation site for complaints and found that, if you don't specify, your mover will have you sign a "non-... 
You can't have too many bass traps...
In the house we recently sold, my "man cave" was a 24’x26’ room. I got the system with the main speakers "dialed in", sounding awesome. Then when I added my sub woofers I discovered that the room had terrible acoustics in the bass region; regardle...