
Responses from ehart

Recommended pre amp's w/excellent phono stage
I have been happy with my Classe CP-35, to which I've added the optional phono card. This is a daughtercard, so nothing is external, it just turns your first input into a phono input. Supports MC/MM. You are left with three regular inputs (in addi... 
Classe CP-45 vs. CP-47.5 vs. CP-35
Thanks for these ideas!Will the fact that the CP-35 isn't "truly balanced" cause me trouble in this scenario: For WAF reasons, I would like to run a 20-25' balanced interconnect between my pre and my amp (a new-style CA-200)? 
integrated amp question
I demoed the Arcam A85 and found it underpowered for my speakers, which I believe are less demanding than yours. Too bad, because it's a really nice unit in terms of features. I would look to something with more current/power.In general, I believe... 
strengths and weaknesses of rotel rc 995?
Rotel amps.To be honest, I think the Rotel amps are better than their pres. I love the features on the preamps, but think you will find that pre-amps from other vendors are cleaner-sounding, even attached to Rotel amp.Of course, if you move to ano... 
Best of both worlds?
Gunbei,He means the midrange of the tube amp (which is powering the main speakers), and the bass slam of an SS amp (since the subs are self-powered SS). 
Getting into audio for around 3500$...problems...
How big is your room? And what is like? Lots of windows? Carpets or bare walls? 
Getting into audio for around 3500$...problems...
Boy, I noticed a huge difference between a Denon receiver and separates, and between low-end and high(er)-end separates, even without tweaking cables. I agree with the post above. System matching is indeed a likely issue, and I would focus on the ... 
Classe owners: balanced vs. unbalanced?
It's a WAF issue. My choice is either long interconnects or long speaker wires. I can probably get it down to 20-21', depending how I run the wire.Thanks for all the great advice!p.s. does anyone know if the CP-35/CA-200/1 have "fully balanced cir... 
New batch of Albert Porter's cryo treated Hubbells
Put me down for two. Thanks. 
New batch of Albert Porter's cryo treated Hubbells
I am interested also. Is it possible to get 4-outlet versions instead of 2-outlet versions? 
Pre-amp as input to another pre-amp?
There is a tape out, but I was thinking of maybe using that for ... tape out.Do people here think it will be safe to *try* this both ways? I would just hook it up both ways and see how it sounds, as long as I am not likely to do any damage at very... 
Cable questions
Great advice, thanks. I will definitely go with the longer balanced interconnect. As a bonus, it sounds as though a decent long interconnect is cheaper than decent long speaker cables. I like the suggestion to spend the money on just interconnect ... 
Tips needed for best FM reception
I went roof-mounted with a Radio-Shack FM-specfic antenna (the only outdoor FM-specific one they sell). It's omnidirectional, and looks like two crossed loops. Works great. The antenna itself is only $15, but then add the cost of a mast, mounting ... 
I can't stop listening on my headphones.
What headphone amp are you using? And for comparison sake, what does your regular system look like for electronics?I am interested in the same headphone, demoed the Creek amp, and was not impressed, so looking for suggestions. 
a used Classe Cav 150 Vs. Rotel 1095
I would second that. I have a Rotel 2-channel amp which I am about to replace with a Classe CA-200. The Rotel has done well for me, but I knew from the beginning that other amps sounded better (when I could afford them!).I demoed (in my home) the ...