
Responses from egidius

Wadia S7i direct to amp
@paperw8 have you tried what you are explaining?It's just, the statement by krellfan might not be wholly unexptected, if the pre substitutes something otherwise missing.As to me: I did not fully like my 781 into Berning. But of course i will try a... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
Hello, I don't know if this response is still needed. I used to own the SFGH, then decided to change to Merlin TSM, which I don't regret. Later got the Berning ZH270: I do regret not having kept the GH until hearing them with the Berning, as I see... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
..I was very enchanted by your Cellist friends description, also the fact he plays a Guarneri. I am a violinist indeed playing a violin by a maker of that family (there are five of them, believe it or not, the most famous being "del Gesu", the you... 
Berning ZH230 amp
very excited: Have a ZH230 in my system now warming up, together with my old Bow ZZ8 and a prototype of the new Berning preamp feeding Merlin VSM's; i'll report back, as soon as I actually can say something, as opposed to "sound very good" ;-) 
Wadia 170i linked to Esoteric UX-1
joining late, why not opt for the coming 121 dac, it might not be comparable to your ux-1, but certainly good for the ipod, and then again, it might be nearly as good as the ux-1. even though wadia always seems to be later than advertised (happens... 
SS amps for merlin vsm
what about berning? 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
well, i thought one of the obvious solutions would have to be the berning zh270, nowadays unavailable, so it would have to be the zh230. if serblin used it to design it (at least the original guarneri, which i had before my merlins), why not you?e... 
speakers to mate with wadia powerdac151
i will try it with merlin tsm mme's. i'll get back on that, as soon as i know more. 
Wadia or Arc CD player?
as a late addendum: I owned the 781i, and as much as I loved that player, the transport tray left me completely puzzled.but nevertheless, i am still open for a step up - with wadia. 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
I followed your thread just today and seem to understand you got rid of ordinary CD playback? I have used a Wadia 781 with its usb input to great satisfaction, and am considering now to go all the way to the series 9: Have you ever considered thos... 
Leben integrated amps and Merlin VSM
hello, sorry for not getting back, i am sort of a slow poster..i would be interested to hear about the zh230, even though i do not feel i want to replace the zh270. i had wondered about nagra vpa's, or einstein otls, but those are massively big fo... 
Leben integrated amps and Merlin VSM
i bought the berning from enjoythemusic, who at the time used the leben, which was the reason he sold the berning, which shows:at the time he preferred the a later time he tried to buy back the berning.fwiw ;-) 
New Wadia 381i vs Puccini
..sorry for not getting back earlier, lack of leisure!Kamil: I cannot judge yet usb vs. cd/sacd, this is mostly due to the fact that my usb material is my own music, so naturally i always consider it "better" than from disc, but objectively, I can... 
New Wadia 381i vs Puccini
..thought i had to clarify "friendly": It is an absolutely clear window, with maybe the exception of piano initial attacks. no showoff with "nice" sounds, albeit they will be there if on record. 
New Wadia 381i vs Puccini
i own the 781i with usb and gns mods... I consider it reference in its true sense. I own a bow zz8, which i love, and have heard extensively a dcs p8, which i didn' only limited knowledge, but good gear.the wadia is not friendly, but you can u...