
Responses from edcyn

Enjoying New CD Transport Purchase
Play on! Play on! 
Help with Classical Music Record Labels.
Wow, everybody's all over the place. So I'll add my personal take. BTW, I get enjoyable fidelity from all formats -- vinyl, CD & streaming.  I've also been listening to classical music since the age of three.  I'm now, ahem, in distinguished r... 
Need help on a new CD/SACD player
When my Marantz CD/SACD player went belly up after a couple of years (I can't remember exactly why but it was probably its SACD capability), I replaced it with a Sony XA5400ES. It's now several years on, and the Sony hasn't missed a beat.  And yes... 
Classical Top Five
I do like some Wagner quite a lot, but I just can't put him among my favorites. Part of the problem for me is that his stuff just goes on too long.  Eventually, a sameness creeps in.  There's also a pomposity that can rub me the wrong way.  Yeah, ... 
Predominantly Piano Music for New Family Member...
Debussy -- Clair de Lune. Reflets dans l'eau. Deux Arabesques 1 & 2.  Gentle, beautiful, accessible. 
members and their systems
I'm so rich I fry up Hundred Dollar Bills and eat 'em for breakfast. Sometimes, if I'm feeling thrifty I'll lather maple syrup over them instead of my usual hundred year old cognac. 
Tube Amp in Snowpiercer
This retired movie guy will now chime in. Set decoration makes subtle but important contributions in the creation of motion pictures and television shows.  The things a character has in his/her living space goes a good way in helping us understand... 
Classical Top Five
I rank composers and other artists strictly on subjective, not objective criteria. I don't care how influential, prolific or technically adept they might be.  Do they penetrate past your intellect? Do they find and occupy the core of your being? D... 
If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?
Fun thread. I actually went to my share of those concerts you guys went to or wish they had. 
How Do You Store Your Record Collection? Recommendations Please!
IKEA storage cubes are indeed an excellent & cheap way to store LPs, but I have to say that if you live in a humid climate they'll get wobbly before too long. 
How Do You Store Your Record Collection? Recommendations Please!
I've had to go with a variety of bookshelves. I just do my best to have them as visually alike as reasonably possible. Plus, the way I figure it, if the shelves themselves are filled with records, who the heck except for you and your spouse will n... 
Classical Top Five
@kenrus -- Yeah, one of my favorite records is a l'oiseau-lyre two LP edition of Handel's "Acis & Galatea" featuring an in-her-prime Joan Sutherland, but I mostly just can't get behind the composer. For me, his stuff just feels too specificall... 
Classical Top Five
Try as I might, I'll always admire JS Bach more than truly love the guy. Just like Brahms, his stuff often strikes my ears as more contrived than inspired.  Either didactic or cranked out for a paycheck. It doesn't help that as the King (or whoeve... 
The Lifespan of an LP?
I'll certainly never look inside every jewel box(?) to check, but whenever I pull a CD from the shelf to play, the disc is fully laminated. It plays, too...even the more scuffed up ones.  
Classical Top Five
Sing a lullaby to Brahms. Maybe he'll enjoy a snooze.