
Responses from earthtones

Vandersteen's new affordable mono blocks at the CES 18
I’m interested in anyone’s long term opinions of running the Vandersteen M5-HPA’s with the 5A Carbons, especially, or the other high passed models. Are they significantly better in this application than any other amplifier, tube or solid state? 
can you add tone controls to a primaluna HP integrated amp
I tried a Schiit Loki in the tape loop of my Pass XP-22 and it just killed the sound. Both the volume and resolution dropped. It may be due to my having XLR connections everywhere else. I suggested to Schiit that they provide XLRs. I only tried th... 
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?
My Quatro Wood CTs are now for sale, just not here. 
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?
There’s a good chance that I will be selling my Vandersteen Quatro CTs within the next couple of weeks, for local pickup only. Stay tuned... 
After all, you're listening to the power supply.
Does it continue to sound much better, no matter the time of day? I agree that the power supply is so very important. On some days my system was unlistenable. My system was recently saved by the addition of a PS Audio P20 power regenerater. The in... 
Rogue RP-7 vs. New RP-9 - What's the Difference?
I had a chance to compare an RP7 to an ARC Ref 6, then I learned a little about the difference between the 6H30 and 12au7. The former is going to have higher transconductance - there’s supporting discussion on the technical side if you search it. ... 
Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8
I had an XA 30.8 hoooked up to my Quatros for almost a year. It sounded very impressive, with glorious midrange and top to bottom excellent presentation. However, in comparison to the 60.8s, it was somewhat deficient in the center image and didn’t... 
Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8
I’m running XA 60.8s with Quatro CTs, which sounds amazing. Your combo will make the amps work harder, but they’ll probably be fine. That 60 watt rating is very conservative. 
Vandersteen 5a vs Quatro ct which do you choose?
The new carbon tweeter was a significant improvement over what was in the previous Quatro, and it appears to be better than what’s in the 5a. I’m very happy with my CT’s.  In my 22 * 12 * 7 ft room, there’s plenty of tight, powerful and tuneful ba... 
350.8 to 30.8
Also, they’ll put up to 90 watts after going out of class A, not sure if that’s into 4 or 8 ohms  
350.8 to 30.8
I haven’t heard the 350.8, but I have been running a 30.8 with Vandersteen Quatro CTs. It’s important to note that my low bass is handled by the built in subwoofer amps. That said, the 30.8 throws an impressively large soundstage with great depth.... 
Upgrade from Pass Labs XA30.8 to X250.8. Worth it?
I’m expecting a set of XA 60.8s from Reno Hifi to arrive in a few days. I too, have an XA 30.8. Although I’m expecting the bass to improve, I’m really seeking improvements in imaging, sound staging and a greater sense of ease, which my discussion ... 
What 2 channel Amp would you Buy for $6k?
Something in the Pass Labs lineup would work very well, depending on your power requirements. I love my Xa30.8. One review says that it competes with a highly regarded SET  amp (can't remember the name offhand) that sells for over 20k, plus you ge... 
Experience with Bluesound Node 2 use with external DAC
As far as wireless quality in and of itself, I'd think the source wouldn't matter, whether it's your computer or a Vault, but that's just a guess. I do know there's no loss in quality from wirelessly streaming from a Vault to a Node vs having the ... 
Experience with Bluesound Node 2 use with external DAC
I wirelessly stream my ripped cds from my Vault 2 in my study to my Node 2 in my listening room. I was sold on the Vault 2 because it supposedly does a better job ripping than a regular cd drive on a computer by ripping a "bit perfect" copy to Fla...