Responses from earthtones
Have speakers really improved within the last 20 years?? We didn’t have the super low distortion from dynamic drivers that is now available: | |
Cartridge suggestions for SME Turntable I suggest running the resonant frequency calculations on a Soundsmith Sussurro Mark 2 with that arm. I’m using one on an SME 312s. It’s definitely the best cartridge I’ve heard, besting the Benz Ruby 3 and a Kiseki Purpleheart. | |
Audio tips for rewiring old home Given all that needs to be done, especially with all that rewiring, I don’t think it would cost much more to have your electrician run a dedicated line of 12/2 to a 20 amp breaker, and connect that to a pair of those hospital grade outlets in one ... | |
VPI Classic 3 Upgrades or Move On to Something New The Achilles heel of the VPI Classic series is the motor noise transmitted directly to the plinth and picked up by the tonearm and cartridge, which is especially noticeable if running at 45 rpm with the HRX pulley, in which case the motor is spinn... | |
Furutech vs Audioquest Power Cables Theses comments about megabucks AQ power cables compromising their systems is very depressing and makes me wonder to what extent their opinions may have been formed by their moods and/or the AC line quality on the particular day. And this is comin... | |
Audioquest Firebird Zero @ctsooner I’m using the M5-HPA’s with 5A Carbons. The preamp is the mighty new ARC Ref 6SE. But at the time I was evaluating the WTs, I was borrowing Johnny’s Ref 6. I had been so satisfied with the PS Audio BHK Signature preamp. It’s checks off s... | |
Audioquest Firebird Zero I compared WT Copper Zero vs Silver Zero biwired in my Vandersteen setup over the course of a few weeks. I kept returning to the Coppers because they seemed a little smoother and the Silvers I thought had a slight edge to them. However, I’m absolu... | |
Audio Research Ref 6 SE I picked up my new Ref 6 SE on Friday and after 50 hours it is starting to break in nicely, and I look forward to full break in after the advised 500 or so hours. I had a Ref 6 to demo about three months ago, so notwithstanding aural memory which ... | |
Herron vs PS Audio BHK vs Rogue Preamps I’ve had the Rogue Rp7 and the BHK. The BHK is cleaner sounding and measures better. It doesn’t round off the leading edges of transients like the Rogue does. I can’t speak for the Herron. But if you can swing it, I strongly recommend you try out ... | |
ARC REF 150SE vs REF 160S I can’t say but I will have the same preamp (I demoed a Ref 6 and was sold) driving my Vandersteen M5-HPAs which are hooked up to my 5A Carbons. If I were you I’d audition the M5-HPAs. | |
PS Audio BHK owners The gain is on the low side. 40 - 60 is what I run and it’s a bit louder with 6 volt tubes at the 5ma bias setting. Of course there are many other factors such as speaker efficiency, room setup and XLR vs single ended connections, with the former ... | |
Audio Research Ref 6 SE After demoing a Ref 6 the past couple of weeks, I decided I have to have one, so I just put in my order for a new Ref 6 SE. I can’t wait! I’ll post my findings in a few weeks. | |
PS Audio BHK lacking.. In my experience, the stock tubes are better than any of the 6volt tubes I tried including the Tungsrams, and better than Radiotechniques 12au7. The Psvanes have a cleaner midrange that is more balanced with with the highs. | |
Audio Research Ref 6 SE Yes I would love to hear about comparisons of the two, as well as the SE vs the Ref 10. | |
Vandersteen Question Every time I try it on my 5ACs, I end up turning them off soon after. My smallish room just doesn’t need the added brightness. It is 12 * 22 * 7, with a nook behind the basement stairs so that part is 16 feet wide. It has two small windows and a d... |