
Responses from dynamiclinearity

Poll: Most impactful component
Duh, speaker, of course. Everything in the chain matters. But speakers vary significantly more than any other link in the chain(the cartridge is second in an analog system) so their choice gives many more variations to find sound you like and conv... 
What sonic qualities connects to you deeply and emotionally?
Certain harmonic structures. Celtic music almost always gets to me.  
Your audiophile chair
I don't like big, bulky, soft chairs. They absorb sound and soften focus and dynamics. I use hard, small chairs.  
Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
IQ is no substitute for intelligence. Shakespeare wrote a play with the correct title - Much Ado About Nothing  
Bass- at what frequency does it change from sounding like a string to just a low tone?
String tone of any basic frequency is always a function of the fundamental and it's harmonics which vary from instrument to instrument. Otherwise a given frequency, bass or not would sound the same from every string instrument. To speake about str... 
Harbeth Hl5 plus and room size?
Another factor is where you are sitting in relationship to the speakers. If you aren't the length of the room and are reasonably close to the speakers you will be OK.  
Top two most important sound qualities
Like my handle dynamic linearity is fundamental. And I don't mean playing loudly cleanly although that would be true with dynamic linearity. It means linear level changes, no compression no matter how small or how large the change in level. It's o... 
Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?
I suspect if Audio Research goes under(not a sure thing) given their reputation over decades their gear will be looked at and valued like the old Marantz gear, the ones made before Saul Marantz was forced to sell the company.  
You've run some pretty fancy MC's, but the _______ MM cartridge really impressed me
No question, the Technics EPC 100MK4, a conventional MM with super low tip mass and all the details done right. It has more bandwidth than any MC with flat bandwidth to 80 kHz and a resonance of 100 kHz. It wasn't officially imported into America ... 
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
By dynamic linearity(my handle) which is NOT playing loud cleanly although that's a small part of it. It's accurate, non-compressed level changes whether they are micro changes or macro changes. It's what makes live music sound live. Think of it y... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
It is also possible to under price an expensive product. Many audiophiles feel if a product seems to cheap for what it does there must be something wrong and won't buy it. I know that about 20 years ago the now defunct company Melos produced triod... 
odd question about stand-mount speakers
It depends on how the crossover was designed and it's affect on vertical dispersion and interaction between the 2 drivers. The dispersion won't be the same upside down and a good speaker was designed to be used the way the designer tells you.  
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
But I do believe the attempt to reproduce the sound of real instruments was Gordon's goal whether it was practical or not I think he would still be the goal and the closer one came to the goal the better  
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
Gordon actually believed audio should attempt to sound like the real thing. And he believed that most audiophiles had forgotten that and were looking for sounding good to them, sort of what too many people call musical. And that was the wrong fork... 
What is the most challenging music to play on a stereo?
I recall decades ago Bud Fried(IMF and Fried speakers) told me the hardest instruments to get right in order are male voice, female voice and piano. Voice because we are so familiar with it and male voice is harder because it goes lower than femal...