
Responses from drrsutliff

Differences between Polk Monitor 7?
The main difference was the tweeters used IMO. The original Monitor 7A and early 7B used a Peerless tweeter and the later models used a Polk tweeter. The Peerless is considered to be superior by many. Polk Audio has an extensive forum on their web... 
Room Setup Question
Your description mirrors my present listening room and positioning. (No someone would not be happy about the rack placement) Your thoughts are correct about the minimal side reflections. I recently placed absoption panels behind my speakers that a... 
Review: Jim Smith Home Consultation & Set Up Speaker
Agree with Hoff48 - Buy the book. After years of improving equipment, trying different combinations and setups, one hour of listening to Jim at a show then reading his book allowed me to improve my system more in one afternoon than I could imagine... 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
You seem to have covered all requests and indicated what they would cost. IMHO the real question is your last one stated i.e. the pocket book vote. Going back to your original high quality sound minimal extras may actually target a buying segment ... 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
Avaliable MM Loading of 20K, 47K, and 100K. These would realy set this unit apart for those with HOMC, MM, and MI. Rear switch for the MM to MC would be best as previously noted. External access, front or back, for all adjustments since many indiv... 
Tubes for CJ EV-1 phono pre
Call and talk to Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Discuss with him what you are looking for in the sound and listen to his suggestions. Great testing, quiet tubes and worth the purchase price for every tube I have bought from him. www.vintagetubeser... 
din cable recommendation
Previously had a Zu Cable Xaus and found it to be excellent. Upgraded to a different arm that had integrated cables is the only reason I parted with them. 
tube rolling first-timer
Sorry for not investigating the curcuit first. I would still roll the 12ax7s first and note the change. Possibly trplace the original 12ax7s back in and then change the 12a7t. This way you can hear what affect each one can have. Finally roll all a... 
Milty Zerostat - Questions
Once you clean on a RCM like a VPI 16.5 the final vaccum cycle is known to possibly generate some static charge. I use my Zero Stat after the RCM before playing or storing to reduce the charge and decrease future dust attraction. Static's main iss... 
tube rolling first-timer
I would always keep your pairs the same as they usually effect each channel (one tube operating in each channel's circuit)and you want the same tone or signature sound from each channel. Change out the 12AX7 to the Tele. pair you have and leave in... 
Universal remote for audio only
I bought the Logitec Harmony 1000 to use with my home theater but programed it to control my Lector CDP and VAC pre (both were avaliable in logitec's database) and it now is at my side during all listening sessions. 
Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?
ZU Cable Mother PCs. I am using them on my amps with excellent results. Can be had well within your price, depending on length needed, and is of the quality that might be of interest to you. 
VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp
Congratulations on the new pre. I bought a VAC Standard LE used last year and the upgrade to my entire system continues to make me smile everyday. After talking with Kevin Hayes at the Axpona show I changed the tubes to the VAC tested tubes and th... 
Tube recomendations for a newbie
I have found after trying many different brands of modern production EL34 tubes that the SED Winged "C"s provided, what I perceived to be, a significant improvement in my Shanling SP80 amps. Tube rolling with used or NOS tubes can be a hugh gamble... 
recommendations for TT + arm + cart, around $3.5k
Yuo basically have thre issues that can contribute to the sound or lack ther of that you are seeking. As Newbee stated the cartidge can be possibly more critical than the "table" (though the cartridge/arm match is critical), but also the phono pre...