
Responses from drrsutliff

SME IV, 309,used vs Origin LiveEncounter MK3cTonearm or Illustrious for J.A. Michell ORBE
I have owned the OL Encounter and now a Illustrious mk3c.  Excellent arms with very balanced presentations.  In your application I would choose the Illustrious. 
Tube suggestions for hybrid integrated amp
I agree with jackd... Andy has repeatedly given me excellent advice and amazing tubes. Not inexpensive but actually great value. 
Ayre AX7e vs Hegel H160
The DAC in the Hegel will not be employed with the system you are proposing since the Pono includes its own high quality DAC.  The Pono DAC was designed by Ayre and is similar to the circuit used in the Ayre Codex.  Both my Pono and Codex sound ex... 
P5-xe, codex, XLR interconnects
My experience with the Codex was there is an audible difference between the balanced and unbalanced connection in my system.  I was using Audience AU24 SE rca cables from the Codex to my VAC preamp initially and then changed to the older model Aud... 
Amplifier ideas with KEF Reference 1
Ayre AX-5 Twenty.  Loved this combination when I was able to audition recently at a private home.  I am currently using an Ayre VX-5/20 to power my KEF LS50s while I am auditioning for new full range speakers and I am constantly amazed at the syne... 
Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable
Herbie’s grungebuster dots work well between my rack and the maple block that is the platform for my turntable. http://herbiesaudiolab.net/gb.htm 
Best speaker cables for Thiel CS 3.7
No experience wIth gutwire, but I have been using Audience AU24 SE cable between my Ayre VX5/20 and Thiel CS2.4s.  Very open and uncolored.  Planning on upgrading to the AU24 SX version in the future.   
BaerWald vs VPI setup protractors
I started with the Turntable Basics then moved to Conrad arc printout.  An noticible improvement.  I then ordered my custom Mint Protractor from Yip and the precision it provided exceeded the carefully prepared paper templates. The result of the p... 
VPI TNT Mk 3 – Looking for a tonearm and cartridge
Origin Live tonearm (recommend the Illustrious or Conqueror) would mount in the armboard that currently works for your Rega.  A significant upgrade and simple exchange. 
Int Amp for Thiel CS 3.7
I presently use an Ayre VX-5 Twenty power amp with my Thiel CS2.4 and it has excellent synergy in my system. I recommend you consider the Ayre AX-5 twenty integrated as a match for the CS3.7 
Would like to hear from Ayre owners especially those who dared to venture.
I’m afraid I am a little above your targeted budget, but for discussion I am feeding my Ayre VX-5/20 with a VAC Renaissance V.  I previously used the Renaissance III with very nice results, but this is a new level.  I run everything balanced (incl... 
Jacksonville/NE Florida
Well May is upon us and I have not gotten any firm commitment for a hosted gathering, so I am going to volunteer a second time at my home. This time will be a little different. First I have a new upgraded preamp (I'm in love). Both the line sid... 
Is overloading of a preamp volume dependent?
The 70db amplification of you cartridge occurs before and completely independent of you “volume” control.  You should look at some of the calculators (KABs comes to mind) that takes your cartridges output voltage and the gain of the phono preamp a... 
Help Next Step for a Noob
Roon is one option that can be used interface between your music collection, online music such as Tidal, and your DAC. JRiver is another software many prefer for this function though Tidal is tricker to use. Both can run on a windows platform.   
How good is the Artisan Fidelity Lenco 75??
I agree on the Credenza Black recommendation. Currently using one on my Origin Live Illustrious mk3c tonearm.  Excellent match.