
Responses from drrsutliff

Help with setting impediance level for Polk rti a7 speakers
I think you question relates to the amps output.  The amp will “see” the impedance of the speakers and its output will vary depending on what it is ”seeing” automatically.  This occurs instantaneously and continuously as the impedance will vary wi... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
The Spendor D9 should be added to your list. I purchased a pair six months ago with a targeted presentation goal similar to the one you have stated.  They are not harsh but supply excellent musical detail and bass extension. 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Try to hear the Spendor D9 balanced top to bottom with excellent bass extension. 
VAC Sigma Preamplifier Front Meter / Thoughts / MC Cartridge
The VAC Phi Alpha and Phi Beta preamps were from a similar build timeframe for VAC and in their manuals it states the following: “Meter: Indicate the operating voltages within the unit. This will vary somewhat due to fluctuations in power line vol... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
Here is an off the grid suggestion.  I switched to these from Audience AU24SE cables a few months ago and really like how well they perform in my system.  https://luminousaudio.com/collections/speaker-cables/products/synchestra-signature-speaker-c... 
North East Florida Audio Society
Quick reminder to join us at House of Stereo this Saturday the 20th from 4pm to 8pm. We will be listening to some state of the art systems by TAD (pre, amp, and speakers), T+A, Ayre, Magnepan, and others. The meeting is focused on Digital playback... 
Audioquest upper end copper IC's sound ????
These are great replys but I’m afraid this 2004 post is a little dated to be addressed currently.  I’ll assume the OP has pursued some cable choices in the past 14 years and that this discussion should once again be allowed to quietly close. 
North East Florida Audio Society
I suggest you contact House of Stereo 
Op amp Rolling?
I used the Opa 627 in brown dog adapters in my Shanling CDP years ago. Really nice upgrade with improved clarity and soundstage. Sadly the CDP retired itself...  I still have the opamps here. I think I have 4 sets.  PM me.Rick 
North East Florida Audio Society
I have not seen Magico there but I am not up on the many new brands they are arranging to represent.   
Cartridge upgrade
I also would consider Raul’s suggestion of the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I loved its presentation and after years of intense use I sent it back to the factory for a complete rebuild. Moved to the Ortofon Windfeld Ti so it now remains new and unused ... 
Ayre MX-R Twnenty instead of Audio research Ref 250SE
Replaced a VAC tube amp with the Ayre VX5/20 and love the presentation.  Still have a VAC tube preamp.  You will save on power tubes but the Ayre amps can produce some heat in the room. 
Thiel Owners
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze  
Music Server - The Search Begins
Wolf Audio makes excellent servers at many performance levels.  My Luna is controllable from an iPad or the large monitor touchscreen attached to the unit.  Support and service is excellent. https://wolfaudiosystems.com/ 
Tidal not working on mac mini
My Tidal access was down last evening which I noticed about 10pm EST.  Normally accessed through Roon.  After trying to access directly it appeared Tidal was having some technical difficulties.  This morning (9 hours later) I was able to log in an...