
Responses from drrsutliff

Schiit "Gumby" owner considering Ayre Codex -- advice?
I have not directly compared the two DACs but as a past Codex owner it is important in my experience to be able to run it with balanced cables and this is supported by Ayre.  Enjoyed the unit a lot with listening to classical (balanced into a VAC ... 
Preamp choices:Short list
Consider looking for a VAC preamp.  All previously made equipment is still fully supported by the factory and the quality and sound is exceptional. 
Have you re-visited analog, or did you never leave?
Still have my first album I bought in 1972 and it plays cleanly. My father and I built Dynakits and I listened to his jazz and classical albums while he taught me to care for them (have his vinyl on my collect now also). In 1978 after my original ... 
Jacksonville/NE Florida
@bobspets1  Hello and yes there are a few of us here.  Formal group (NEFAS (North East Florida Audio Society) has a meetup group page but we have been a little inactive for the past year.  Hope you are well!   
What's my ideal music server? Read and recommend please
I changed from using the Ethernet input on an Ayre QX5/20 to USB from an in rack Wolf Audio Alpha SX3.  This was a definite upgrade in sound quality. I would recommend the Alpha or their new slightly smaller Luna-R server. 
Best ultrasonic lp cleaner in 2020 and what surfactant best?
Bought a Degritter this year after using a VPI 16.5 for almost 10 years.  I used 3 steps (enzyme, cleaner, ultra distilled water rinse each step with its own brush and vacuum wand) with the VPI and had very good results,  but the time for each alb... 
An audio rack that really does make a difference.
I replaced my Billy Bags rack with an Adona Eris 6DW - cherry trim. Very happy with its function and appearance. 
Coda 07X vs Backert Rhumba extreme vs VAC renaissance V
Excellent choice.  The VAC will have no issue with you amp’s impedance.  I have the Renaissance V and it is an excellent piece driving my Ayre VX5.  You can do some substituting of the 6922 tubes and enjoy different subtle changes, but VAC has voi... 
Class A or AB Solid State Integrated Amp for Spendor D9's - Coming from Tubes
I agree as the Gryphon Diablo 300 is my choice to acquire when I decide to replace the VAC/Ayre combination I currently use. 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I own the Spendor D9 and have listened to the D9.2  The new version has a little different crossover to address the originals tendency to be a little to “revealing” in the highs. I found this trait to actually being the original D9 able to reprodu... 
USB compatability
Please do not misunderstand my statement...  I am not saying it is your cable!  I was using that as an example of how the lack of the proper communication will cause a failure.  I don’t think the phones are capable of the correct communication to ... 
USB compatability
I am no expert but I believe that the first step in the communication is sometimes referred to as a handshake.  Just because the DAC can send its identifier to the phones does not mean the phones are capable of the reverse. Many DACs require a 5vo... 
Audiophile AC Outlets
Albert Porter’s - Porter Ports.  Advertises here... 
Streamer's without built in DAC options?
Wolf Audio - Luna or Luna “R”https://wolfaudiosystems.com/product/the-luna/ 
Class A or AB Solid State Integrated Amp for Spendor D9's - Coming from Tubes
Currently using the Ayre VX5/20 175 watts/channel into 8 ohms with my D9s with excellent results. The Ayre AX5/20 integrated should be on you list.