
Responses from drrsutliff

The Miller Carbon Story
Love my Sovereign Mk3-2 dual tonearm TT. I expect you will enjoy the MkIV as well as the Enterprise MkIV. 
The Miller Carbon Story
Interesting read MC.  It is always an curious time when we have modified, experimented, and tweaked a piece to the point we now realize that the next logical step is to move to something new (at least to us) and start our journey over again.  I ha... 
Very new to high end audio - Recomendations
Vanatoo would be a good place to start.  I have both their “Zero” and “One” on desks in my home with USB input from Roon on my computer.  https://vanatoo.com/shop/speakers/transparent-one-encore/Nice place to start with full powered speakers inclu... 
Change the Power Voltage
Gryphon does NOT design their equipment to be be able to change voltages.  Any change of this type is being done by someone altering what Gryphon installed and immediate voids any warranty.  This is specifically stated in their manuals.  
Your loading is 47 ohms or is it 47K?  The higher the number the less loading you are applying.  
any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with
While you are doing research check out Wolf Audio.  I currently use their Alpha 3SX but the new Luna is close in abilities and performance.  Customer support is excellent.https://wolfaudiosystems.com/product/lunar/ 
Thoughts on VAC preamplifiers to drive D’Agostino power amplifiers? Thoughts?
The VAC preamps employ a transformer output that has a low impedance and can drive any well designed power amp (tube or SS).  Used my VAC pre into an Ayre VX5/20 for many years and it never had any issues while it added a little of the VAC persona... 
Townshend Seismic Podiums
 Samgar2@Sorry for the late reply. The Liszt speakers had their spikes removed but the outriggers were left in place. Worked well. 
Can the Same Brand Power Tubes Have a Different Sound When Bought From Different Vendors?
I have bought numerous sets of Gold Lions (KT77 and KT88 for different amps) from Jim McShane.  For new production tubes I highly recommend doing business with Jim.  If you want NOS or used but excellent testing 1950s to 1970s tubes then Andy at V... 
Townshend Seismic Podiums
I am currently using them on a pair of Spendor D9s.  A friend in my local audio group has them under his Vienna Acoustic Liszt.  In both our systems they improved the overall soundstage and presentation once properly adjusted.  Bass was good in ea... 
Looking for preamp which is good at BOTH single-ended AND balanced output
I have been using the VAC Renaissance 5 and it has excellent output to both single ended or balanced amps.   
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
I leave the main power switch on but put my Diablo 300 into standby as recommended by Gryphon (either by remote or front touchpad) when I’m done for the night. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes to be fully back but usable during that time. The power... 
Your tube preamp and ss amp thread
VAC Renaissance V into an Ayre VX5/20.  Used this pair for 5 years with great satisfaction.  
Quick Question to any ; Kharma DB-7's owners.....
Last week I was picking up my new Diablo 300 and the dealer had the Kharma Elegance DB-9 paired with Boulder separates that I listened to for a while.  Beautiful presentation.  In addition he had the 2 way Elegance S7 in his smaller space.  They c... 
Second opinions — how have others (including non-audiophiles) helped you?
I agree that many who have never experienced a “better quality audio producer” whether headphones or a full room system tend to be unable to discern minor nuances of the presentation since, I believe, they are pretty immersed in just the total qua...