

Responses from driver

Problems with Ayre's Company???
Chetiar, when you begin a post with "problems with Ayre's company" in the subject line, what point are you trying to get across? If all somebody does is read the header w/o the content, they can come away from a quick visit to this site with the s... 
Problems with Ayre's Company???
I've dealt with Ayre for several yrs as a consumer & have had three of their products. Their factory support is some of the best in the industry & I see no signs of that changing, especially since I just visited while picking up my amp aft... 
Power cords, most effective placement:
As for breaking in the cord, I would suggest one of those IEC to AC adapters, using it on a box fan/heater/lamp-whatever you can use it on that has a steady current draw.As for positioning, you're prob. going to get the best results with the trans... 
Do you protect your hearing?
I've been using the disposable EAR plugs (29 dB) for years & have passed down the tradition to my children.My kids use them when mowing, as well as safety glasses & I use the plugs while using power tools, shop vac, etc.When I first starte... 
Vibration Isolation............ where to start?
A friend of mine did a shoot out of sorts & you can read about it hereLike others have mentioned, the source is usually the best place to start but just assessing the room & placement of all your components should be the first step. 
soldering iron
If I may add to the fine suggestions already made.I have two soldering stations, one being the Hakko 936 and the other a Tenma. They both work great & I use the Tenma more because I keep a smaller tip on it, as compared to a chisel tip on the ... 
Please help with best PC placement
Only you can determine which is best.Try them on your spkrs. for ~10 to 30 days then go back to what you were using, then try them on the DAC/transport for ~10 to 30 days.You'll know when you're done experimenting what to do.Oh, I also recommend y... 
New Amplifier: Bryston 4B ST or Pass Aleph 5
I had both of the amps you mention & want to throw out the Ayre V-3 to you as an alternative.To me the 4BST was too analytical & the Aleph 5 was too warm. I used a Pass Aleph P pre with all three of the above amps & only sold it to get... 
You might be an audiophile if...
You can hear the difference between the UPS, FedEx & postal truck as they're coming down your street and if they pass your house (after you've jumped up like a kid for the ice cream truck) you get bummed out, 'cause it's another day before you... 
Man, am i losing my hearing?
Yeah, I have that problem too, as everybody in my family mumbles then says I'm going deaf. They say that just because I do some pro sound stuff but I can tell the difference if the singer sounds muddy & I need to boost 2.5k or 4k. Actually onl... 
Help: my neighbor is killing my music....
I'd like to add to what I wrote earlier this a.m. Although having a talk w/this fellow seems like it could possibly work out, if it doesn't & there's subsequent enforcement, guess who he's going to remember as having a problem w/his truck? Unf... 
Help: my neighbor is killing my music....
My first suggestion would be to contact the local county (or city or ?) authorities & register a complaint. Not only is idling illegal, but in most jurisdictions you can't even have a commercial vehicle in a residential neighborhood, although ... 
Is ebay feedback worth anything on Audiogon?
There are a few things anybody can do to make a transaction flow.I've always relied on the phone call & serial # for my biggest clues. Way too many examples to mention but if you're trying to make a deal with a DEALER (let alone an individual)... 
RCA to XLR adapters…
Even after you go fully balanced, you can always keep a set of RCA>XLR cables around for those times when you have a source w/only RCA's. I use a set for my tuner.Since you're using a CDP, I suggest wiring as follows: Pin 1 (ground) to the shel... 
Do people find the rating system useful?
Somewhat, as it depends on the seller's reputation & ability to grade with objectivity.I have found a lot of seller's rate their stuff one grade too high & occasionally it's an outright lie.Pictures do tell the story & in fact I recent...