
Responses from dover

Detachable Head shell or Not?
@jafox  You raise some great points. I look at cables a little differently to most. I assume all cables degrade the sound, and therefore when I assess cables I am looking for the cable that does the least damage - least damage in terms of transpa... 
Dynamic vs Static VTF on a SME V. Can someone explain the differences in sound?
Its very simple - the dynamic VTF is dampening the stylus motion, reducing dynamics. The static does not.. By using a mix of both you are using less dampening than using dynamic balance only provides.  The optimum very much depends on how flat yo... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
@mijostyn  If you get an older Corvette - you know the ones that handle like a tractor - you'll get substantially more testosterone buzz for less money. But I like your negotiation technique - I always advise my audio buddies to pick the biggest... 
Does anyone manufacture an alternative Linn Sondek belt pulley ?
@zavato  Corvettes don't handle cornering, they are built for drag strips. Porsches - I remember when you couldn't get insurance for a Porsche unless you had completed a Porsche drivers course - the handling was so bad. Like the Linn its taken 4... 
VPI Aries 3 Questions - Looking to make a switch
The Classic offers no significant improvement over the Aries 3 - you might go backwards. The weak point is the VPI arm - why don't you look into upgrading the VPI arm to a non VPI arm & new cartridge  on the Aries. That will give you maximum ... 
30 year old SME 30/2
In 40 years of sudio Sales and setup only two tables stand out gor extremely good sound quality snd a uperior design The original townshebd rock And the Merrill Williams real Yep - I used to sell the original Rock TT. It could sound good if y... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
One major benefit from having a detachable headshell or arm tube is the ability to remove the cartridge for thorough stylus cleaning. During Covid lockdowns I used the time to go through all my cartridges and clean them thoroughly. What I realise... 
SUT Interconnects
@lewm  The Rothwell MCX uses both primary and secondary internal loading to achieve a 100 ohm load for the cartridge from a 1:10 transformer and minimise ringing etc.    
SUT Interconnects
@atmasphere  Could you please explain why it is important to have low capacitance cable before the transformer. how does that affect the transformer ? I understand the need for low capacitance after the transformer, but not before.  
Dust cover for my dust cover?
Try something very light - a natural silk scarf. Something from Hermes should meet the WAF ( wife acceptance factor ). there are lots of designs t choose from. Another, less pretty option, I inherited a TT once - the owner had wrapped the acryl... 
Are cutting lathes VTA constant across the board?
I adjust VTA for 1 - normal records - using favourites 2- 180g records - using favourites Then jut run the 2 settings. All my arms have VTA on the fly - but I run the 2 settings - otherwise you would go insane. Unfortunately, historically cut... 
Does anyone manufacture an alternative Linn Sondek belt pulley ?
How many times the bearing has been redesigned ? How many times the subclasses has been redesigned ? How many time have they redesigned the power supply ? To answer these 3 - fewer times than most other companies have introduced new models. No... 
Are cutting lathes VTA constant across the board?
No. Yes.  
Are cutting lathes VTA constant across the board?
No. Yes.  
Does anyone manufacture an alternative Linn Sondek belt pulley ?
Linn derives more income from upgrades to old Linn's than they do selling actual turntables. That should tell you everything. How many times the bearing has been redesigned ? How many times the subclasses has been redesigned ? How many time hav...