
Responses from doodle6

Inherited a pair of JBL 4350 -- Need Advice
4350s are wonderful speakers. They don’t have the best imaging in the world, but they are accurate, powerful, relaxed, and unbelievably dynamic. I own them, along with Array 1400, Everest 67000, Revel Salon 2, and several others, and I have no int... 
What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?
Elekit TU8600S with upgrades, WE 300Bs.  Paired with McIntosh preamp and Altec Valencias.  Bedroom system.  We used it for background music in the past with a Powernode 2i in the past.  Now it’s an order of magnitude better sounding, fine enough f... 
What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?
cat_doorman   coulda been worse.  I woke up one morning to find that I had bought a Cessna 170B the night before!  
Full range speaker recommendation
For floor standers, Revel Studio 2 speakers or JBL Project Array 1400.  Both can be had used for that price but may require patience to find. I’ve owned over 200 pairs of speakers over the last 50 years, from many, many manufacturers, and those ar... 
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
Would you get marriage advice from a guy who's been married ten times or one who's been married once?  
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
Still happily using vintage gear?
Most of my stuff is 40-50 years old, some bought new, some within the last twenty years.  Just a few recent items.  I really get a kick out of the older stuff.  Main system is a mixture: Thorens TD-125 MkII/SME/Shure, Oppo 205, McIntosh MR71, C22,... 
Still happily using vintage gear?
Oldest is my reference standard Dynaco system:  PAS3, ST70, A-25.  Electronics have been completely restored with every resistor, capacitor, switch, pot, pathway verified or repaired/replaced with identical in order to maintain dead stock original... 
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?
If we’re doing generic, cigarettes and whiskey.  Old men need only three things to be happy - whiskey, cigarettes, and women.  Most places, you can’t sell women. 
SET on JBL Everests - Mouse breeding an elephant?
I kinda like the idea of 2301s, mostly because of the looks. That’s a pretty hefty outlay, though.  Thanks for the good guidance!best regards 
SET on JBL Everests - Mouse breeding an elephant?
ok, thanks!  I’m going to follow the overall plan that you guys have come up with:  single 275 for mids and tweeters, single 452 for woofers.  Active crossover with signal split around 850.  That last thing is probably what I did wrong when I trie... 
SET on JBL Everests - Mouse breeding an elephant?
“Still better off with SS for bass management.“I got rid of my old 7270 but I have a 452 that I could use for the bottoms, a single 275 for the tops, then put the other 275s on the block.  I have an idle 4350 that got displaced by the Everests, an... 
SET on JBL Everests - Mouse breeding an elephant?
I did try it when I first set them up, using 275 on top and Mac MC7270 on the bottom.  For some reason, they sounded horrible.  So bad that I had to verify every setting.  Swapped in a Luxman M6000 amp, no joy, so I gave up and went back to using ... 
SET on JBL Everests - Mouse breeding an elephant?
I have to apologize for posting such a confusing question.  Let me start over.  I am using one bridged 275 to power the left speaker and a second bridged 275 to power the other speaker.  No biamping.  I’m using the internal crossovers.  A buddy ha... 
A friend told me JBL DD67000 is actually very bad speaker, is it true?
I’ve been a fan of JBLs since I bought my first pair (L-150) in ‘75 or ‘76.  I’ve owned a lot of cone drivers over the years but almost all of my large format speakers have used horns.  I did have a pair of Bozak Concert Grands, B-110 IIRC, but th...