
Responses from dodgealum

Cables for Harbeth-Luxman match?
In my experience the C7's are not particularly sensitive to speaker cables. I would look at decent, low cost cables that are easy to work with and explore spending the difference on system improvements further up the signal chain. It is very hard ... 
Choral Music Suggestions
Excellent! Thanks everyone. I'm generating a list and will keep tracking the thread and add as new suggestions are made. I really appreciate your collective contributions. 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
Create/Synergy 5AR4 just shipped so it will be a few weeks before I will be able to comment on the performance compared with the Mullard. I'll keep you posted on progress. 
Where did you go after Harbeth?
Sebastien:That is a logical conclusion and SHOULD be correct given the sheer musicality of every Harbeth design BUT I do see quite a few pairs for sale here on the A'gon so some folks must be moving on to other brands (though some may be moving up... 
Where did you go after Harbeth?
Daedalus are high sensitivity designs (i.e. 97db) and a number of owners are using them with low power SET amplification. Just so you know... 
Where did you go after Harbeth?
Daedalus DA-1.1's. I loved my Compact 7's and spent two years looking for a speaker that was as true and natural in the midrange and non-fatiguing as the Harbeths but had a bigger, more dynamic and "quicker" sound. Daedalus did that like no other ... 
Devore Nines and Daedalus Athena comparison?
I auditioned the Silverback's as well as part of my two year speaker search. Heard them at In Living Stereo with some fine Shindo electronics (if I am remembering correctly--this was a few years ago). The Silverback's are nice but they do not hold... 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
BTW, I decided to purchase the Create/Synergy 5AR4 after corresponding with Srajan Ebean from 6 Moons who has used them in the Modwright LS100 and found them to sound less romantic and more neutral, detailed and dynamic than the Mullards. Since my... 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
I've ordered a Create/Synergy 5AR4 and will compare it with my Mullard and the stock tube and let you guys know what I discover. 
Audiotechnica OC9MLII High, Low or Med Compliance?
Thanks everyone. I've been looking at options for my VPI Scout and that has necessitated a focus on compliance matching. After establishing the effective mass (medium/low) of the JMW9 arm I wanted to make sure I was pairing it with a fairly high c... 
Audiotechnica OC9MLII High, Low or Med Compliance?
Thanks all. Would it be accurate to conclude that the OC9MLII is a medium to high compliance based on the above? 
Choral Music Suggestions
Excellent guys--thanks! Please keep them coming! 
improving bass on large floorstanders....
Matching speaker bass output to room size and positioning of the speakers within the room boundaries should be your first priorities. Once optimized you can move to room treatments if warranted. Changing cables should be at the bottom of your "to ... 
Good bass test tracks on vinyl
Morph the Cat for sure. Very deep and well recorded bass line. 
Anyone tried Soundsmith VPI Zephyr MI Cartridge
Can anyone comment on the TONAL qualities of the Zypher? I've heard that the Aida/Boheme are more neutral and detailed than the Zypher and that the Zypher is more lush and romantic sounding. Those wanting to add some tubelike qualities to their fr...