
Responses from dodgealum

Esoteric K-07 conversion
Jafant: I haven't heard any of the new K series players but have been the VERY happy owner of an X-03SE for a number of years. Great machine--sound, build quality--superb unit! 
Recommend A More Dynamic Monitor Than Harbeth C7
Not sure where the stand height of 24" is referenced but having owned C-7s I totally agree--too high for proper treble presentation. I ran mine on 19" Sound Anchors and that was perfect for my listening position. Pani--not sure if we share the sam... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Well, it felt a little like an impulse buy (no professional reviews and no chance to audition) but I've gone ahead and ordered an ART 9. I'm grateful to those who have posted about their experience with this cartridge and am very curious as to how... 
Recommend A More Dynamic Monitor Than Harbeth C7
Love the C-7s--owned a pair for many years and set up a friend with a pair he continues to enjoy today. When I decided to upgrade it was for the same reasons you reference--I wanted more speed and dynamics but was determined to get something that ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Gents: Using an OC9MLII but am very much considering an ART9. For those who have taken the plunge....any regrets? There are a lot of cartridges out there for $1K why should I be getting the ART9? 
Herron pre upgrade...
Mlo97:I would echo Chayro--through nearly a half dozen linestage changes I have found that the preamp has a surprisingly large impact on the system sound. I would also second those who suggest you call Keith--you will be hard pressed to find a mor... 
Preamp Help
I used and enjoyed a number of ARC preamps over the years (SP16, LS26) and then moved on to both of Modwright's preamps (LS36.5 and then LS100). All were very strong performers in their own way, but each left me feeling that some element of their ... 
Anyone moved on from Harbeth C7es3?
I've written here extensively about my quest for something more full range and dynamically agile than my C7s. It took several years of looking but finally landed with Daedalus--the only speaker I've heard that is as musically natural, correct and ... 
Audio and Vinyl Shops in Charlottesville VA
Thanks, Notec. Would rather hit the two on the downtown mall than go up 29. Aiming for Friday. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Thanks, Oregon, for sharing your initial impressions. I have been sitting on the fence waiting for more information about the ART 9 (and saving some scratch) before taking the plunge. My OC9MLII/JMW9/Scout has been a very rewarding combination and... 
Audio and Vinyl Shops in Charlottesville VA
Thanks guys--I will try to check out Plan 9 while I'm here. 
Led Zeppelin Mothership
Old thread I know....I had a copy of the Mothership vinyl box set in my hands yesterday at Barnes and Noble. It says the LPs were remastered at HALF SPEED by Stan Ricker--does anyone know if this is correct? I have the two CD set which to my ears ... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
I've posted before about the Herron VTPH-2 but will chime in again with nothing but praise. Thoughtfully designed, well-made, beautiful sounding and comes with great support from Keith. When I went to a separate phonostage my first choice was soli... 
Any Daedalus Muse owners.. Need feedback.
Call Lou--he can give you the rundown on the evolution to new models. I heard the Muse at CAF last July--wonderful sound. 
Audio Technica ART9 cartridge
Anyone have an update on their experience with the ART 9? Still loving my ATOC9MLII but am wondering what the ART 9 might bring to my system.