
Responses from doak

DSPeaker Anti Mode 2.0 evaluation
"All such products diminish absolute definition/clarity - no exceptions. They must, as they are not necessary devices inserted into the signal path. It is to be expected that the system will sound cleaner without any non-necessary device inserted.... 
Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home
Infinity IRS Betas.The least compromised speaker I've ever heard, much less owned. 
DSPeaker Anti Mode 2.0 evaluation
Listened carefully to DSpeaker in a friend's system. IT sounded better when we switched to by-pass. Then the system sounded MUCH better when we removed it completely.It literally sucked the life out of the music. 
Review Almarro 318B
Thanks for your perspective on this amplifier. You have put it in context for me by delineating what others you have owned and compared to it. I've recently acquired a pair of Coincident Speaker technology Total Victory II. Was thinking of a high ... 
External DAC For Oppo 105 At What Cost?
Very entertaining thread! :-)Hi Ric. ;-) 
Well Tempered
"I wish to purchase to Australia"It may help if you restate your objective. 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
"However, if your tastes run more to Ella Fitzgerald and acoustic jazz in general, and depending on the rest of your system, you might find the (Liberty) B2B-1's sound a bit too surgical, and not quite liquid or "fleshy" enough."This does not desc... 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
I'm listening within a very few minutes. May take 10-15 to reach equilibrium. 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
EZ - EAR 834P 
Schiit Gungnir DAC - anyone have one of these?
Carefully compared the Gungnir to TEAC UD-501 in house for about 10 days. Cut to the chase: Liked the TEAC better -- more musical sounding. Gungnir was a bit dry and I felt bass and dynamics to be overblown. My system needs no help in those areas.... 
Snell Type D value
One speaker of a pair will have little value expect as a parts unit for someone looking for such. 
VPI Classic 4, any one have it?
There's a VPI Classic 4 out now?!?!Tough to keep abreast of these frequent(and costly) "improvments" constantly being issued by this company. 
Nottingham Space Deck Owners....Again Please
@Zeal: The link you posted does not work. 
Do 45 RPM records need higher anti-skate setting?
Simple answer: No ;-) 
What are Epicure 3.0 Pyramid speakers worth?
You asked a straightforward question and got a straightforward answer -- that you didn't like.So then you want to argue about it - like that will change things. NO it won't. If you are no ale o deal with the information, only you may know why, the...