
Responses from doak

An FYI on Lampizator DACs:The super-high priced ones have been getting all of the press lately - Model 7 and Golden Gate. However, their best selling DAC ever is the Model 4 now in Generation 5 form. While a decked out Lampizator Model 4 will cost... 
Are DACs superior to top-graded regular CD Players
Good move, Steve.You are embarking on an endeavor that, at times, will prove challenging but will ultimately be well worth the time, money and effort expended. This IS "the future." 
Are DACs superior to top-graded regular CD Players
There are of course MANY variables that can enter into ANY such comparison. What I am able to offer is that I've heard NO CD player sound as good or better than what I'm getting out of my digital front end, particular when playing well done high r... 
Has anyone used an Audioquest Jitterbug?
Two AQJB available. Helped when I used a computer. Not needed with the Auralic Aries I am using now.  PM. 
Best DAC for around $10K new or used
Get a Lampizator Big 7 from someone who "must have" the Golden Gate. Within your price range and a "Destination DAC."Sounds like MUSIC. 
Lampizator DAC
oops "here" ;) 
Lampizator DAC hear. 
CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?
And the really GOOD news it they are only going to get better and better. ;-) 
CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?
Oops! Pardon the link blooper.Shouldn't take nearly 500 hrs to tell the tale. BTW: I am also using the Shuguang Treasure 6CA7-Z power tubes in my Quicksilver amps. These bested one dozen sets of NOS and new production tubes I've search through and... 
CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?
I suggest, even urge, you to invest in a pair of Black Treasure CV 181. I've used them in amps, i my current preamp and IMO they beat my stable of some of the "best of the best" old stock 6SN7. I buy mine straight from China for less than $130 per... 
I want to use the Tidal music service but my dac
HI Grannyring,Since you want to avoid a computer and enjoy streaming TIDAL, you are definitely on the right track with the Auralic Aries, Aries LE or Aries Mini. $1500, $1000, $500. Of course they are capable of much more and at some point can and... 
Lampizator DAC
My take on your query:The Amber is a very good DAC. The Lampi Level 4 is a great DAC. Cliched, but the L4 is just in another league.I liked the Amber. I love the G5 L4. It's easily worth what it takes to get there. The L4 could do well as an ultim... 
Lampizator DAC
Great. Looking forward to this one. I started with the Lampi Amber and now have the Gen 5 Level 4. Love this thing! But, as you may well know, the good taste makes one wonder just how much better it can get. 
"I turn off all unnecessary items in my Mac Mini. I have a MMK installed and use a JS-2 to power the Mac Mini and my e20 MK III .082 Clock exaSound DAC. I also used my Hynes Power Supply to power the Regen. I use HQ Player and all music files rega... 
Best Dac under $600... New or used
Before you take a Schiit, take a good look at Audio-GD.I've had a Schiit Gungir here, among other things, and my current Audio-GD NFB3(2014) better them easily. $600 with upgraded clocks, delivered in 3 days - with 3 year warranty.Doak