

Responses from ditusa

Seeking Speaker Recommendations
jbl 4430 or 4425  
901 series 2 speakers
junk in 1972 junk in 2017 no highs no lows must be Bose. 
Luxman Taking a Different Direction
I bought luxman in 1977 2-b12 mono and c-12 no parts in usa and I said I will not buy that junk again I was right.  
How does the sound change as power cables burn in?
depends on how long it takes for your ears to acclimate to the sounds of different components or different cables...your ears will ajust to the new sounds over time... 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
i had b&w 801 w/ 12" woofer...everytime i listened to black sabbath and cream i would blow the woofers and tweeters, bought the jbl no more problem! 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
jbl 4435/4355 studio monitors...great for all types of music... 
Money well spent on Amp or Speakers
Why the obsession with the lowest octave
i believe the lower the frequencies go in a loudspeaker, providing it does it cleanly w/out distortion, adds body and foundation to all music. frequencies have fundamentals that are lower then the frequency itself.you mentioned your speakers go do... 
Gerry Rafferty dies
Im sad to see Gerry Rafferty go to. I loved his music. Whether he had a character flaw or a disease it doesnt matter everybody has a character flaw. Who cares how he died. Why dont we discuss his music? Which, as I recall is the point of this webs... 
Hi-quality transport
sony dvp s9000es player. 
sub-$1000 bookshelf speaker/monitor recommendation
jbl 4425 studio monitor great speakers. 
Speaker recommendation. have $2,500
jbl 4430 great speakers. 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
hi, just curious what size speakers are you using to fill the 30x30 room? i have jbl 4435 studio monitors, and it fills a 40x30 room and pressurizes without difficulty. 
Speaker Burn In...
i would say the more you play the speakers the more they wear out as they are mechanical devices, the more the cones or diaphrams move in and out and flex-the spiders and the surrounds wear out. i dont believe in burning in a speaker...they just w... 
Speaker advise for a new Tube Amp.
jbl 4425/4430/4435 studio monitor.but not at $500.00