

Responses from dinov

Amp Warranty Repair - What's an acceptable timescale for turnaround?
This is not warrantee related but nevertheless relevant. I just had one of my MC30s worked on by audio classics that I sent up the first week of January and it’s still there ready to be shipped back this week. I fear it’s going to get worse becaus... 
Law Of Diminishing Returns?
I hit the law of diminishing returns within every upgrade! +1 @secretguy  
Yes, digital cables matter too
Yes they make a huge difference. Coax too…no toslink. I went from an Analysis Plus Digital Oval which is an excellent cable in its own right to a Nordost Valhalla digital when I had my node. It was like someone remove a mussel. The only other issu... 
What to do with my legacy CD collection?
@drlou77  I’m in the same boat. I ripped all my cds and sacds of to my NAS and now I have them just sitting in my case. I recently got on Quobuz but still have bought new cds and downloaded new music. At this point Quobuz is so good I’m not sure w... 
Should I Keep my Second CD Player?
I tend to wind up keeping everything so, that’s my opinion. 😀  
Recommended Server?
There are a couple I looked that are just streamers ie: Network players and are very good. Lumin is excellent, Innuos more for usb DACs, and Esoteric which I ended up buying. All are excellent upgrades to the bluesound node. Incredible steps up I ... 
Western Electric 12AX7 coming this summer.
Love to hear what these tubes sound like. @shawn3997 wow, you bought at the height end of the market on those!  
Dac: Old vs New
Many older DACs are great sounding but lack certain features or abilities to play some hi-rez files. I see that as more of the issue to upgrade a dac rather than just sound alone.    
Is soundstage width a myth?
Width is a fundamental part of soundstage and certainly not a myth. This is basic and if you’re not at this level, something’s wrong. Just my two cents.   
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
@samureyex No sir! When you start getting depth in sound stage you know you’ve got things right with your system. The right component’s, cables, vibration control, power conditioning, and noise floor, all in harmony. Anyone who tells you different... 
Jazz like this? Suggestions
+1 @gosta   
Home audio or pro audio?
+1 @ghdprentice he saved me a lot of writing, pro audio and home audio are two completely different animals.   
Why do I need a switch?
@curiousjim I you put in fiber you won’t need a switch.   
Bose 901 VI flat?
I think these speakers are made to use with their eq system. Use it.   
Used vs. new
It’s the same issue with automobiles, so when you can come to terms with that you can with this.