
Responses from dinosore

Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
I bought a nice bottle of cabernet sauvignon and poured a glass for me and my friend.  I took a sip and declared the wine delicious. My friend took a sip and immediately spit it out and said it tasted like $#*t! But both glasses of wine yielded t... 
Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube
He created a large enough YouTube following to allow him to quit his day job and play with audio equipment all day.  He is smarter than all of us.   
Where did you buy your first audio gear?
First system in 1973 - I was 16 years old and drove from PA to East Orange NJ to some "wholesale" audio warehouse.  I found it through an ad in Stereo Review.  I had a pocket full of cash and this place was in a pretty bad section of town.  I park... 
Warming up digital in my setup
I wonder how much of an improvement you can get with a dedicated streamer vs connecting your iPhone via USB.  Is there any way you can borrow something like a Node or a Zen Stream just to test?  Or maybe buy a Wiim Mini for $100 and use the digita... 
Where do you want your system to go when you go?
Find a friend or relative who would be willing to sell your system, either at retail or at wholesale to someplace like The Music Room or a local hi-end dealer. Add a codicil to your will, give the friend a commission on the sale, and the balance o... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
I bought a pair of Magnepan MG-1's in 1976 or 1977 that I thought were absolutely amazing. Sadly, I had to sell them when I moved into a small apartment. I have a lot more money invested in audio today, but I still miss the magic that I got out of... 
Qobuz or Apple Music?
As others have pointed out, you can’t get Apple Music on any streaming devices, except maybe the Sonos Port (which is limited to 24/48). In that regard, there are few streaming environments where you can directly compare Apple Lossless and Qobuz. ... 
Bluesound and BluOS
I subscribe to both Tidal and Qobuz and have never experienced any streaming issues with Qobuz on any of my three Bluesound devices (both wireless and wired). My first guess would be an issue with your router, but you said you worked with Bluesou... 
This is good Schiit...
I also have a Node 2i with a Denafrips Ares II.  I almost went with the Schiit Bifrost or Gungnir, but chose the Ares based on the vast number of reviews that described a sound signature that I thought I would like better. While the Node's DAC is... 
Help Me Learn WHY My Recent Upgrade Was Successful
I agree; probably all of the above.  I'm not familiar with radio.garden, but the sound quality of the Radio Paradise streams is outstanding.  A lot of folks think it sounds better than streaming Tidal or Qobuz.  
Bluesound Powernode
I have a Powernode 2 in a second system, and I think it is a solid recommendation for a "small, simple" system.  First, it is a good sounding unit.  Second, the BluOS interface is very well sorted and user-friendly. I have mine mated to Elac Debu... 
How much does your system retail for?
System #1 about $10,000 all in.   System #2 a little under $2,000. The latter is in the man-cave and therefore is the system I spend more time with.  Although modest by high-end standards, I spent a lot of time with speaker positioning and a few... 
Interested in finding a NAIM dealer on the east coast.
The Audio Store in Newington, CT carries Naim.  Not sure if they have what you're looking for, but they've done a good job maintaining inventory during the supply chain problems. https://www.theaudiostore.com/  
Hi-res streaming-apple music
I don't believe there is any way to stream Apple Music in hi-res to your stereo system.  Air Play is limited to 16/44.  I don't know of any third-party streamers that handle Apple Music (well, Sonos has Apple Music, but not hi-res).   I think you... 
Maggie 1.7i's lack detail. Ideas?
The advice above from jji666 is spot on.