
Discussions dhcod has started

Anyone Get a Degritter for Xmas?490121
Lamm LL2.1 Tube Recommendations?19453
Anyone compare Herron VTSP-3a and Lamm L2.1 Deluxe?192610
Phono Preamp Tube Rush1149489
What's a really great Streamer/DAC box for just streaming Tidal?1140439
Anyone upgrade from a Loricraft to ultrasonic record cleaning?19726
Small Floorstander?493225
What's a real good arm for a Decca Cartridge?669221
Is there a really great MM only solid state Phone Preamp?22968
Speaker Clarifiers?212513
Trying to reduce noise while listening to tube phono281119
Preamp Upgrade25306
Any Hagerman Trumpet users have tube suggestions?287710
Nice MM Phone Preamp to use while main unit is getting repaired?12244
Worth it to try a SUT with a 103R and Herron VTPH-2?20859