
Discussions dhcod has started

Amp Suggestion for Harbeth C7es357118
Advent 300 Repair in Los Angeles?19352
Goldmund Studio Case Question16791
Swap Mono amps Left for Right25437
Anyone tried an A23 Hommage Mat?16070
Harbeth C7es3 Tap?21141
Symmetrex tonearm on WTA?15681
Random Static Hits421728
Any Well Tempered Amadeus Users Going Mat-less?22124
Subwoofer for Beginner666718
Loricraft PRC3 Vibrating31534
OK to replace one power tube for amp?430214
Herron VTPH-1 vs Allnic H12011010413
Best Preamp with Phono $2300 Max?491711
Shielded Phono Cable Suggestions?39626