
Discussions dhcod has started

Which VTF Scale are you using?854144
Any Fatboy Unipivot Users?308823
What's your "buy one of these and get it re-tipped" cartridge suggestion for a DL103 fan?225714
Got a new (to me) VPI Aries for Xmas... what’s the arm upgrade path?13949
Flexible Shielded Tonearm IC?9256
VPI Aries 1 Motor Hum?13694
Know Anyone in the Los Angeles Area that does SME Rewires?10146
DIY Stylus Guard Help231411
Back to trying to upgrade Harbeth 30.1s438711
What is this cartridge?8974
Herron M1A to M2?18471
Anyone Know Where I should Look to Figure Out This Hum?198523
6x4 rectifier question63638
Lamm LP2 vs 2.117342
Degritter users- have you tried other cleaning fluids?24111