
Responses from dgarretson

McIntosh MC275 vs Bat VK-60: Anyone compared?
I don't know the Mac, but the VK60 was probably BAT's most popular tube amp & there are few posts reporting reliability issues. You can go 2000 hrs before retubing output tubes and acquire good 6C33C-B tubes on ebay for $15 each. The 6922s &am... 
Where to buy amplifier chassis for DIY?
Here is a good one but the mirror-polished alum shows scratches if you're not careful.http://www.iagaudio.com/index.htm 
Ukulele, anyone?
George Harrison was pretty good on uke himself, as evidenced on his final album "Brainwashed." 
Modified Esoteric D70 with the Silver Rocks
Mmitch, I have them in my SCD-1 and they are a significant improvement over the standard Audio Consulting silver transformers. Purer more resolving treble, more open & less compressed, more bass control. They are expensive, but assuming you've... 
Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
Chris, I distinguish modifiers from general DIYers in this regard. A modifier has the opportunity to start with a stock component & control variables by making small incremental changes. After 10 or so such changes to a component the ear has r... 
Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
Components in the "bread basket" of the marketplace(say up to $10K) are good for modifiers, insofar as they can be well engineered while compromised in the parts bin. Sometimes fairly simple parts upgrades can take them to a much higher level.This... 
Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
Mrtennis,Expressed in terms of economic principles, the problem is that rapid price inflation at the high end has transformed audio into just another luxury goods market. A luxury goods market (e.g. yachts, exotic cars, art, and high-end real esta... 
Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
"the key to remember is the value in use equals the value in exchange" I'm not sure what you mean here, but if you mean that your valuation of equipment is based on what the market will bear on resale then you are obviously not a DIYer. Modded equ... 
Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
The toughest thing for non-DIY audiophiles is to leave superstitious pretentions to art behind & accept that many even high-priced commercial components are compromised & built to cost. The problem has been aggrevated by the trend toward i... 
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
Magnolia/Best Buy carried Primare CDPs for awhile. I had never heard one before, so I compared it in the showroom to every comparably priced Sony & Denon universal player on display. The Primare smoked them all. The salesman said they weren't ... 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
It's difficult to imagine a direct-drive TT with more impressive engineering credentials than the GPM on its dedicated stand. Fremer acknowledges the positive attributes applauded by fans of DD(clarity, attack, excitement), while largely dismissin... 
new eagles album
Eagles songs are very hard to get out of your head. The Eagles were the only thing that really bothered The Dude in The Big Lebowski. Be careful. That said, I have a nice DCC pressing of Hotel California. 
Iron and Wine, The Shepherd's Dog
Some good contributions from Becker of Califone also on this Beam album. 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
Audiosoul, a dividend of modding is to extend the life of a component in one's system--sometimes for a very long time. Any reduction in long-term resale value should be netted against the repeated depreciation hits that would have otherwise result... 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
I accord with Lewm & Flemke that a perception of sluggishness & treble roll-off that one senses with BAT is a signature of the identical oil coupling caps used throughout much of the BAT tube line-up. Switching to good teflon such as V-Cap...