
Responses from dgarretson

Wilco on Austin City Limits
I have Nels Cline Singers "Draw Breath", "Destroy all Nels Cline", and "Downpour(Live)." They are all fine, with melodic lyrical playing that is recognizably Wilco and evocative of Allmans "Eat a Peach," side-by-side with wild compositions more fr... 
Raven owners - how's your mid-range?
What platform are you using underneath? Some decoupling can be important with an unsprung TT. A Raven owner turned me on to the Promethean-style platform that I use under my mass-loaded TT. The spring platform adds resolution to the treble while r... 
VPI Super Platter
A little creative destruction should remove that ball. I would drill a hole through the ball and drive in a stud remover. Or thread the hole in the ball and insert a grade 8 bolt, which could be extracted together with the ball by using a puller. ... 
RAM modified Esoteric P70/D70 Review
Nice review. Though it is hard to believe that small changes can make repeated "100% improvements" in a system, I know what you mean. As you approach finishing an audio system, the sonic window is cleaned up to the point that even tiny smudges are... 
Mundorf coupling caps
Tim, Jensen 4-pole caps are good, if expensive. Rubycon ZA and ZL work well in small filtering positions. Space-permitting it's effective and cheap to parallel Rubycons up to whatever capacitance is necessary. This can get large in battery supplie... 
Mundorf coupling caps
Indeed BAT oilers look identical to Jensen. My assertion as to their identity follows several posters and webzine reviewers who have stated that BAT PIOs are specials developed by Jensen.Of the Mundorfs I have tried only Silver/Gold. They have han... 
Mundorf coupling caps
The OEM Jensen/BAT PIOs in my VK75SE are surpassed in all respects by V-Cap TFTF. I don't know if those Jensens are copper or alum. I have not compared Mundorf directly to Jensen PIO.I think you'll find that PIOs in general have less clarity than ... 
Mundorf coupling caps
I've not tried Mundorf silver/oil, but I use silver/gold in phono stage & line stage components-- particularly in higher values where V-Caps become cost-prohibitive for me. The Silver/Gold are clean and neutral, and IME do not lack for bass as... 
Interconnects for BAT
The weak link is the 2' pair of Belden cables between XLR and PCB inside the VK75SE chassis. Consider replacing this $.40/foot wire with a soldered-in audiophile IC. 
VPI Super Platter
Whatever the designer's original intention, IME there was audible improvement after remounting the stock steel ball in a polished cup in which the bearing moved freely, as compared to the stock set-up in which the bearing rolled but with drag. As ... 
VPI Super Platter
Pull the steel ball bearing out with a strong magnet. 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
Though I've not heard your Denon CDP, based on posted reviews this unit looks to be basically decent but compromised in the areas of cheap op amps in the analog stage, clock, and bridge rectifiers. You might have a chat with Reference Audio Mods o... 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
Beware that after you taste good vinyl, you may either stop listening to RBCD altogether, or else enter the two formats in an arms race of upgrades on a scale that bankrupted the USSR. Over the years your upgraded analog and digital front ends wil... 
VPI Super Platter
Sorry, I mean Si3N4, not SiC ball bearing. 
VPI Super Platter
Boca Bearing on-line has SiC balls. I suggest polishing the inside of the non-inverted bearing cup with compound and a pointed felt dremel bit until the ball rolls smoothly in the cup. For reassembly, retain the ball in the cup using a few drops o...