
Responses from dgarretson

Review: Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles Tweak
"a bad spend"-- now that describes a very guilty pleasure. 
Is the RAM Modified Esound E5 the REAL THING?
It's impossible to generalize about the effect of replacing clocks across disparate players. 
What is new with the Memory Player?
There was Behold amplification with the Memory Player & the Scaenas at HE2007. Unfortunately I didn't understand at that time that the Memory Player was a transport only. 
What is new with the Memory Player?
At HE2007 the Memory Player in combination with the Scaena arrays had the rare combination of treble sweetness with fine detail & extension, and dynamic authority on top of dead-calm relaxation. Less rolled off than Zanden, and less agressive ... 
Why does this old tube gear sound so good?
It's been speculated that transformers continue to improve through decades of aging. 
Artists 'SELLING OUT' - can we discuss?
Kudos to Tom Waits for suing that car company for ripping off his singing style. But in the end it's really more a question of "when" rather than "if" almost any popular song will be used to sell soap, Starbucks, or maybe botox or motorized wheelc... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Pauly,I think it's unfortunate to critique business issues that are premature and distract from consideration of the Verus motor as an engineered product that arrives at a timely moment in TT design.Recent evolution in TT design seems to have most... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Doug,Thanks for suggesting a fly fisherman's blood knot. Now the thread runs smooth & quiet. Using this type of knot it's pretty much impossible to make two threads of identical length in order to run multiple threads. But a single thread work... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Pauly,Thankfully, market forces in this cottage industry are quite different from banking, and time-value-of-money calculations are mostly irrelevant. Perhaps the hedge fund crowd would do better to maximize utility & profit margins all down t... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Doug,While waiting for Verus I am considering adapting tape drive to the VPI TNT by machining new pulleys for motor & flywheel. In order to prevent tape crawl, would cutting 1/2" channels into the pulleys be desireable? What is the best materi... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Doug,I am a VPI TNT III owner with a poorly designed & now broken PLC controller that VPI no longer supports. I've also observed that the TT sounds better on thread drive than the stock rubber belts. However, slippage of the thread on the smal... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Oracle, Thanks for sharing Mark Porzilli's impressive bio. Can I send my Melos preamp to him for repairs? If the prodigous power of invention was of itself sufficient, then Edison would have convinced the power utilities to adopt a DC power grid &... 
Personal amp evolution
Principal 2CH systems:*1950s vintage Pilot tube mono receiver with RCA speaker (mid 60s)*Kenwood receiver with Altec VOTT(early 70's)*Technics receiver with ESS AMT1 (late 70's)*Nakamichi Stasis receiver with Fried floorstanders(mid 80's) *Bryston... 
Ars Sonum / Merlin TSM-MX???
Agreed, when value is factored in, I don't think there's any pre/amp/speaker that approaches ARS/Merlin VSM-MX. 
Ars Sonum / Merlin TSM-MX???
Pubul57, I've heard the ARS with Merlins, and while it's very good indeed, it's not as good as it gets, even with Merlins. What ever is?