
Responses from detlof

Best Turntable: Rockport or Goldmund?
Rcrump, yes I know exactly what you mean. A well set up Goldmund was not bad at that, but the biggest surprise I had exactly in this field, when I had the shaft, bearing and pivot reengineered and heated, when playing and the arm made more stable.... 
Placebo Effect...a good thing?
Albert, so true! I've always handled it the same way and with good success. 
Placebo Effect...a good thing?
Hueske, as Greg said, you write admirably and I also aplaude the widom in one still quite young! In philosophical terms your stand comes close to what Epicuros taught in ancient Greece and in the face of conflicting theories and ideologies, the ba... 
Best Turntable: Rockport or Goldmund?
Your post reminds me of those good old pissing contests of my schoolboy days long since gone and made me smile. If I had just bought a Rockport, I would probably maintain the same. Only "completely destroy " is just as "complete" BS of course, bec... 
Who R U?
Yes , Greg, those cleaner-scooters are indeed an intelligent solution, the Parisians would have never adopted the Swiss plastic bag do it yourself penitent way. They don't have that guilt complex about being "untidy", like my compatriots. Remember... 
Hardwood floors vs Carpet
Oops, Khrys, please ignore the above remarks. I got things muddled up. 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
Anotherone who says that it's all in the mind....Y A W N 
Who R U?
Well, we have machines for that now, but the custom of course continues. In spite of the machines, anybody who leaves his dog's droppings on the sidewalk, will be tarred and feathered by the enraged neighbourhood, if not lynched straight on the sp... 
Hardwood floors vs Carpet
Yep, Khrys, I'm good in math too! 
Who R U?
Albert,I am an ex Jekke naturalised Swiss, I'm not particularly tidy, don't have that in my genes, but often you tend to think that a certain amount of "compulsion neurosis" is part of the Swiss national characer, if a thing like that exists. And ... 
Who R U?
CERN in Geneva, Greg? 
Who R U?
Kubla, I could take you in for treatment ( in exchange you could teach me creative writing, vide our hilarious thread elsewhere ) Why Detlof you may ask? Well, since antiquity the saying goes: " Only the wounded physician is able to heal ".Cheers ... 
Vibration isolation for Io Callisto?
Albert, this time you have truly outdone yourself and I've learnt a lot for myself. Thankyou. I'm very happy with my IO, which I use together with my Jadis gear. The Jadis is still better in dynamics, but for the rest, soundstage, layering, resolu... 
Hardwood floors vs Carpet
Didn't read the above posts, however a hardwood floor will cause reflections from your speakers, if you like it or not. This will change your imaging and the definition of instruments. Try it. If you like it, fine... if not, you'll have to use the... 
Any advise to improve my system
Change your speakers for stators. They are just perfect for the kind of music you prefer.