
Responses from detlof

Who R U?
Welcome Travis! This place is really full of fascinating people. Your mentioning of Gould's humming reminds me, when in my early twenties and at Salzburg with my then pianist love of my life, I stumbled into a room at the conservatory, where he wa... 
Which is better, live performance or on your system?
Lakefrontroad hello, I haven't read all of the above posts and I can imagine that you drew quite a bit of flak upon yourself. All the same, you pose an interesting question.As far as I am concerned and objectively speaking, there is no question of... 
Can upsamplers alter a CD's sonic performance?
Sal, I am only familiar with the Purcel and what it did, regarding soundstage, dissolving powers, presentation of voices and solo instruments and smoothing out that otherwise sometimes a bit brash and forward highend, I found quite amazing. I coul... 
How important are equal cable lengths?
Theoretically you should not run unequal lengths, for all practical purposes I have NEVER discerend anything detrimental, when I did so. But then, I may be tin-eared 
is genesis lens compatible with 24/96 signal?
No, it cannot, Sfstereo is right. 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
My stance too Jonathan! I'm still waiting, according to Audience I should have had the unit already, but then on the other hand I am glad, that they will only ship after they have rigorously put everything to the test. Well, after that, a 400 hour... 
120Volts to 220Volts?
Outlier, if there is no internal switch, possibly there are contacts on the transformer , where the unit could be soldered to and hence rewired for 220VAC. Ask Arcam for that possibility as well. Any technician , adroit with a soldering iron, coul... 
120Volts to 220Volts?
If you like your system as is, I would not sell it. The loss is simply too great. Also I would not use an ordinary stepdown transformer, although that would be the cheapest solution. They generally screw up the dynamics of your musical renderings.... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Hello Frap. It is indeed good to to see this place alive an kicking again. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the early von Karajan renderings of LvB. I could never really warm to the Kleiber, whereas I loved Reiner's Eroica and the Pastorale, ... 
Is sound room on the attic bad???
Patrick, I think it also will depend on how you expect your music to sound. If you strive for the absolute sound ala TAS, i.e. as close as possible to actual recording event, you will probably be in big trouble and will have to think of putting in... 
What is the cause of my sibilance problem?
Gallaine, after what you say now, I doubt that the front end could be the culprit. Nightdoggy might indeed have a point, with RFI being the culprit. Then also a bad solder joint or a loose connection somewhere comes to mind, but then I think you s... 
Who R U?
Greetings Karl and welcome to the fold. Cornfedboy in his inimitable way has said it all. I do indeed need to be healed, but not from my audiophilia nervosa though. May the banks be gentle on you, may your practice abound with rich clients and las... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Thanks Jtinn---yes pecunia---you can never have enough of it, can you. Your post has made me even more impatient for the unit, besides I don't care what is "best". As long as it comes close or betters my vinyl front end, I'll be happy. The stock u... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Mes, greetings to you and sorry to hear about your plight. Well, may your system rise again, like the phoenix from its proverbial ashes. From the exchanges we had, I KNOW that you liked the modded 777 very much and I think your post is excellent i... 
What is the cause of my sibilance problem?
Gallaine, I've made a different experience. I listen to a lot of vocals, male and female and I've got the problem of sibilants perfectly licked, inspite of having very resolving tweeters,( plasma) which go up to where the bats hear. With me it was...