
Responses from detlof

What is your most anal audio habit?
Greg, does it baffle you, because you are forming baffles with your curtain? Cheers, 
MIT & Spectral -- but Which MIT?
MjM, I am not familiar with the Goertz at all, so I cannot help there. I've used the 50 and Spectral's 200 with more cables then I care to remember. vdH, the old MIT shotguns you've mentioned, Madrigal ICs, XlOs, Nordost, various Euro brands, amon... 
MIT & Spectral -- but Which MIT?
Yes, go with Joe, although the DMA 50, which I know well, is less tricky with cabling than Spectrals newer and higher powered offerings. 
LAST???? Has anybody tried this?
Thanks Swampwater for getting the spelling right and for your general warning. Cheers, 
What is your most anal audio habit?
Clue, true, there are ESL which attract, but also others which repell dust. Also here the secret is the proper positioning....and Gun, I see you point about dynos. But I've not been introduced to S. Spielman and seem to have mislaid my keys for th... 
What is your most anal audio habit?
Gunbei, I leave the dust and don't even try to read the displays, rather using my ears than my eyes to voice the music. However, when the dust has collected so much, that I cannot find anymore knobs to twiddle, I feed my subwoofers with LPs like "... 
Is "The Audio Critic" magazine still around?
A tin ear and an opinionated, self annointed prophet, if there ever was one, even before the above mentioned scandal, sadly lacking the intelligence and wit of most of the peers he had at the time and at which he loved to lash out in no uncertain ... 
LAST???? Has anybody tried this?
Last Preservative(used to be ? is? ) made up of trifluor-trichlor-ethylane. This stuff was used for spectography in the med. professions and could be bought in bulk. It worked just as well as the original Last factory concoction for a much cheaper... 
What is the most decadent, most self indulgent--
Well, I've ben wracking my brain to find an answer, for I am, like Sean, anything but a compulsive shopper (-;, but perhaps my two sets of spare Quads will do, which I keep fired up, but won't use, until their brethren in the listening room happil... 
Does it hurt when you sell at a loss?
Isn't obsolesence often nothing but mental? Ourselves being seduced by the mags, the stores, the advertising, or the keeping up with the Jones'? Don't know, just asking. After all, there are a few "classics" around, be it speakers, electronics, tw... 
Convert 230 volt Musical Fidelity amp to 115 volt?
I agree with Stehno. Possibly you already have a 230VAC line to your house, which you could utilise. 
What is the best used tube checker out there for
Excellent advice so far. With the Hickock Cardmatic, if you can find one, you need not twiddle with dials, but use a specific card for a specific tube, as the name implies. If you live in Europe, the Hickock's brethren would be the German made "Fu... 
Does it hurt when you sell at a loss?
Cody, first we are trapped by market forces. Not unalike the car-business, you suffer a huge writeoff percentage as soon as you carry (drive) off your jewel from the seller's premises. The second trap is indeed psychological, I think, once we are ... 
Which Amp for uppermost freq' in tri-amped setup?
There was a Spectral DMA 50 offered here the other day for a reasonable price. I find it an ideal amp for the high end of the musical spectrum. It does not necessarily have to be run with MIT wires. Just an idea. Cheers, 
cornfedboy, signing off
I wish you well and I'll miss you.