
Responses from detlof

Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Slawney, a pleasure to see you back and a beautiful piece indeed. Your analysis, though of course politically highly incorrect, is of course psychologically more than correct,if you truly reduce the whole affair down to its brass tacks. It was Cha... 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Hearhere, yes indeed, "you" could be understood in ambiguous ways. It never crossed my mind, that your hearing could be damaged. I sincerely hope, that this will put yours at ease. Cheers, 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
A little story from an audio-methusalem: It was in the time of the Fulton cables and those of Mark Levinson the man. I happened to be at my audio dealer's here in Zurich, when a little man turned up in a delapidated Trabant, two stroke, from Budap... 
Help with voltage on amp
Thanks Herman, as Sean implies, we all keep on learning! 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Hearhere please clarify: Does the pathological condition you mention refer to:A: The system ?B: The listener ?I humbly suggest, that it refers to both, if you don't hear any difference in powercables at all. Cheers, 
Help with voltage on amp
Sean, I believe in Japan the powerline cycles at 60hz, so that should not be a problem. 
Help with voltage on amp
In my opinion it will hurt your amp, if you run it on a 120VAC line. There are several possibilities open to you:1. Get yourself a transformer, which will transform your current down to 100VAC and plug your amp into that. See to it, that the trans... 
Any good "sampler" or "demo" discs ?
Well, perhaps some of you might remember: its not a Vorfuehrungs CD its a Vorfuehrungs tape:Roumanis Recordings Demonstration Tape, a mix of Jazz and Classical used by Mark L. the man's dealers before he was eaten up by Madrigal. I spin it on my o... 
What Impedence Do I Need?
Yes, definitely, conctact Joe! There's none better in any respect you'd like! 
What tubes are the best for the Jadis JPS 2 Preamp
Myself, as most of my "Jadis friends" here run their Jadis pre-gear with Teles. 
Noise, hum and AC polarity
Sean, thanks for reminding us! You've practically repeated, what Enid Lumley told us some 30 years ago. She was thought to be nutty then, which she certainly wasn't. By the way, there used to be a Jap. product on the market, I think it was called ... 
Shipping amps overseas
UCmgr's advice seems excellent, but compare prices with Bax Global, who offer the same service for less in my opinion. Regards, 
Tube amp on the floor or on the rack?
Tube amps=floor and try to keep it as immune as possible from vibrations, see that the airflow around it is not impeeded and beware of thick carpets. That's at least what I learnt through the years. Cheers, 
Pre-amp Suggestions for Tubes & Electrostats
The Jadis is beautifully euphonic, cheating slightly in the midband on the warmish side of neutral, whereas the Aesthetics Callisto is dead neutral, with a wonderful deep and layered soundstage and dynamics which equal the Jadis. 
TAS new look-the end is near?
Suretyguy, I couldn't agree with you more. Pearson is a personality in the tue old sense of the world, not one of those run of the mill types, who though intelligent, will adroitly adapt themselves to anything and call it political correctness out...