
Responses from detlof

another tube question
Sugarbrie is right on the mark! Roger tests his tubes very carefully for practically all parameters a serious audiophile would be interested in and I recommend him very highly. 
Can you get great analog sound from analog tape?
I somehow doubt ( though cannot prove ) that it is vinyl, which "does it". To my mind and experience it is rather the analog process. Classical music on an ADD CD sounds generally better than a DDD redbook CD. But the limitations inherent in the r... 
Old Quads, Servo Static, AR D-150 and D-79. Wished I still had them. 
Tube and Tube Socket Cleaning
Brad, as Greg suggests, sandpaper will do very well, because you can fit it round the prong. I don't see any harm in using a nailfile though. I've both used the metal and the wooden ones- gentil and carefully though, just enough to take away the o... 
Tube and Tube Socket Cleaning
Gently filing the prongs as you propose, I have also found helpful and afterwards a good cleaning with Kontak or just a tiny bit of Craig ProGold certainly helps. For the sockets, I use these tiny brushes which are sold for cleaning the cavities b... 
Can you get great analog sound from analog tape?
Schange, reel to reel, to both of your questions the answer is yes, IF you use a top deck and as I learnt, good cabling, both ics and pcs and power conditioning. As to casettes, in my opinion, the answer to both questions is a resounding NO! 
Do you listen to your heart or your eye?
Heart and ear. Could not care less about the rest. Listen generally in the dark anyway. Cheers, 
Jason is right. Telefunken will do the job nicely. Should you go hunting on ebay look also under ECC83 Telefunken. If lucky, you will find German sellers, who are usually reliable and still have good merchandise. NOS Telefunkens are rare and very ... 
Know anybody who mods analog r2r tape machines?
Thanks to all for your suggestions. I'll keep an eye open for a Otari. Thanks, Slartibartfast! Bob, your idea turned out to be a real good one! I fed the machine through a PS Audio 300, got rid of the measly original pc and used topclass ics. WOW,... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Mario, what you say has much truth to it, but a truth which holds good mainly in an extravert society. Where I live, rather the contrary is true. People will hide their wealth, rather drive a Lexus or Merc, when they easily could afford a Rolls or... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Paul, objective performance is indeed irrelevant. You've brought it down to the basic principle underlying our behaviour, often even here on A. This is so, because it is so difficult to objectivise performance. Measurements fall short, HP's idea o... 
Ribbon Tweeters
To put one of the contentions made above into the right perspective:Experiments have shown that it is true of course, that you can hardly HEAR above 20khz and then only in your younger years. But subjects listening to MUSIC have complained of "som... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Thanks Scott for pointing this URL out to us. History repeats itself, in the sense that some 40 years ago it was HP and TAS which took up the stand against those "commercialy corrupt" rags now long defunct. I see practically the same vocabulary an... 
I'm still working to love digital, are you?
Like Sean, if I understand him correctly, I have one foot in each camp and find either camp onesided and sadly incomplete. What I have always worked toward is common ground. At the moment I can tweak my system either way, depending on having the r... 
Single ended vs. XLR Connection Advise Needed
True of course, but according to Hgeifman's post, that is not the point here IMHO.