
Responses from denf

Review: NuForce 9 V2 SE Amplifier
Hey thanks guys for the kind comments! I really glad you found some value in my review. Teajay - yes! couldn't agree more, the Flora preamp is a true 'giant killer' of a preamp and seems to be a match in proverbial heaven with the NuForces. I'm st... 
Nuforce v2: has anyone tried them
Cford - not directly. I owned a 'Standard' Musician III for about 8 mos., then went back to tubes, before I then went to the NuForce 9V2SE's. Based on what I have read about the Musician Signature version, I think it would be a tough call between ... 
Nuforce v2: has anyone tried them
I recently picked up a pair of the V2SE's and after 4 mos. am still waiting to see if the magic aural bubble will burst. But so far, these are the most remarkable amps that I have heard or owned. I had the previous 9.0SE's but this latest V2 is re... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
OK, I'll enter the fray here and strongly agree with Zilla. The NuForce 9.0SEv2's are absolutely incredible amps. I was a heard-core tube-o-phile, and have had more amps, over 30+ years of chasing the audio fantastic than I care to admit, but I ca... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Oh but it's OK for brands like Audio Research, Wilson Audio, etc. to bring out "MK II", "MK III", "MK IV" versions and constantly improve THEIR stuff, right? Man! Where do all these vitriolic comments come from anyway? Have either of you (Lacee, 9... 
Has anyone heard the Usher Threshold R 1.5 amp?
Mboldda1 - what amp did you own previous and/or what other amps have graced your system in the past? 
Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?
OK, even those these seem like somewhat turbulent waters, I'll venture in nonetheless -- what about the Nova Physics Group Memory Player? From the reviews at Stereo Times and Positive feedback, this "player" seems to have raised the digital bar fo... 
Audio Horizon Preamp
Kensetsu - I'm by no means an expert, but I would say that it definitely depends on your CD player. I have gone back & forth between passive and active more times than i would care to admit, and finally determined that there are no hard fast r... 
Electrostatic speakers and power conditioning
Silverarrows - I am on my 6th pair of Martin Logans and have always used an aftermarket AC cord. While I can't say it makes a huge, demonstrable difference, every little thing helps, especially with the high resolution that electrostats are capabl... 
Pwr. conditioner necessary w/dedicated AC lines?
I would like to reactivate this thread now that a little time has passed to perhaps get some new feedback. I am still using my P300, but ONLY for my BAT VK3i preamp (I am still running my CD player "direct" to the wall, which again is a isolated d... 
set vs otl, which is the most musical
TVAD & others, bear with me on this one as I'm not as technically informed - I thought all OTL's used tubes in their output stage? The Moscode 401HR is a hybrid. Are the MOSFET's then somehow run without an output transformer? (I'm not sure I ... 
Need 2 channel only preamp with XLR outputs
Also would strongly recommend any of the B.A.T., they are, after all, designed as truly "balanced" designs and work the best when using XLR in/out - IMO. I have a VK-3ixSE and could not be any happier. 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
Jeffreds - I was once seriously considering the Gallo Ref. 3's, but had concerns that the midrange just wouldn't be able to keep up with an electrostat in overall tonal purity.Are the Gallo's as good as the ESL-63's in the all-important midrange? 
Anyone using Nuforce Ref 9 Mono Blocks?
Boy I dunno Dazman, don't get me wrong, the Bryston is good gear, but I personally have had a plethora of fine solid state (& tube) amps, many with similar topology to the Bryston, and the NuForce 9SE is in a whole 'nother league, IMO. You wou... 
Charles Rodrigues
I also own a copy. Funny stuff! Love the drawing style that he had. Also am proud to say that while I never came in first place, I was one of the 5 runner's up, in two different "Rodrigues Caption Contests" that Stereo Review used to run annually ...