
Responses from deep_333

How tall do you like your images?
For most any newer artist, the official studio master is a pristine sounding hires digital album. An orthodox medium loyalist/vinyl guy would botch/butcher that pristine sounding master and press it on vinyl so he can taste the analog.  If, he's s... 
How tall do you like your images?
@mikelavigne , My post was not aimed at dissing anyone’s gear. As you may have noted, i am dissing all my higher end stereo gear as well because i experience all the limitations of stereo gear in execution. When you deploy the BACCH, it is no long... 
How tall do you like your images?
@mikelavigne , While I appreciate the research you did on some streamer/dac i had 3 years ago, my digital end has gotten upgraded just a bit since then. I still don't believe in spending an arm and a leg on a streamer/dac, but, whatever, we'll sav... 
How tall do you like your images?
@mikelavigne , When you said 9.3.6, i already know you fooked up with cramming too many quantity over quality speakers in a li’l room ( i have a 30 by 35 room and i refuse to go any higher than 5.2.4 for atmos music listening that will startle all... 
How tall do you like your images?
I dismiss all stereo speakers that don't sound like I have front heights, surrounds and back heights active. Many of you stereo purists crumble to dust and get washed down the gutter when the bar is set high (in spite of what you spent). 😉 (Yeah.... 
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?
@kokakolia  Focal and Tannoy continue to be rehashed legacy designs. I had the KEF ref 1 bookshelves for about a year before I sold it. Clinical sound and i could never get emotionally involved with any tracks no matter what electronics I tried. I... 
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?
The new coax design from Technics (SB-G90M2, ~5k/pair) sounds shockingly good for any speaker under the 10 to 15k price point. I recently got to audit it more seriously at my friend's house, who has it paired with ~40k in electronics. It would be ... 
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?
The only guy i know who has perfected coaxial designs is Andrew Jones. Try one of his higher end coaxial designs  (TAD, Mofi, etc).  Many other coaxial designs i've tried (Tannoy, KEF. etc) sound like sht.  
Magico's M9
They look ugly...which is the final nail in the coffin for this speaker...If it looked better, i know guys who would buy it.   
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
Update on good Ethernet switch
@mc1969 , the best ethernet cables I've had are made by Audioquest.   
Perlisten D212 Subs (2) in the house.
@skinzy  For subwoofers of this caliber, you could probably research some higher end bass management solution and take the subs higher up between 150 to 200 hz. If you have them both on the front stage near the Wilsons and depending on your room, ... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
When it sounds like flapping cheeks and is priced an arm and a leg, it generally tends to be one of those snob brands with prestige seeking fanboys ( dudes with relatively lower inner core self-worth in 'compensation mode'). But, when it actually... 
Sweet Sounding DAC
uninformed and far too simplistic dac conversion method is but one of several equally important elements driving a dac’s sonic performance Uninformed and far too simplistic, eh? Try fooling someone else...For his 3.5k to 5k budget for that ’an... 
When Will the DAC Singularity Be Reached?
I recently listened to a $69k DAC is a Boulder system and everything sounded glorious! But did the DAC sound $67k better than my Pontus ll?   Well... put your Pontus in that Boulder system, listen to each dac for a week and let us know!