
Responses from deep_333

Cable elevators
@salectric If it feels like risers are making that much of a perceivable difference ( leaning out bass, glare in the treble, etc?!), there’s other sht messed up in your rig/affecting consistency.  
Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?
@jetter  yeah, I think I might pull the trigger on this Gustard. I like the British audiophile's reviews (His description of sound signatures lines up with what I've heard on stuff i trialed). If it sounds better than my current denafrips Hermes/V... 
Best place to live for good quality power
This has little to do with what town or city you live in. Living in a congested apartment complex in any town or city is pretty much a dead end. But, a stand-alone house with 2 dedicated lines installed (one for digital components and the other f... 
Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?
@soix  Lol, I asked you why 8350 extra wouldn't be feasible enough to throw in a better line stage. But, since your logic faltered there, you started the barking instead You thought barking your way out would buy you all your immense street cred b... 
Schiit URD CD Transport SOON?
The Schii tUrd could arrive early in the morning tomorrow (maybe a lot earlier than that with Miralax 😁).....these goofballs and their product names...  
Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?
@soix This manufacturer called Gustard (that you suggested) has gotten 2/3rds of the way there with the integrated streamer+ R2R dac for 1650 USD (8350 under budget). But, all of a sudden, integrating a higher quality class A preamp into that uni... 
Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?
@rockrider  Non-digital inputs not needed (turntable is sitting in storage)...Not sure what this "Ring dac' is and will need to read up a bit. Eitherway, I need such a piece to add more class A-ish liquidyy gooey lushness to atleast one of my exis... 
Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?
@designsfx thanks for the suggestion on the Bricasti. I don’t feel like pushing it past 10k for now, but, will look to try/ land something used. @soix , looks like there are some rave reviews on the gustard’s (what a bizarre name) streamer+r2r da... 
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
@kokakolia , I, for one, won’t be buying anything from some guy tinkering with a piece in his garage (no-name Joe companies) with non-existent service in a couple of years. I would put it in the same category as Chifi though Chifi, at the least, i... 
Magico's M9
@mikelavigne , The emotional envelopment is effortless with my TAD+Luxman or Yamaha gear. It is a bit less with the Technics. But, i primarily bought the Technics as a hot summer solution (some compromise for mitigation of constant air conditioner... 
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
@jaytor , thanks for clarifying.  
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
Maybe i missed it, is it possible currently to revert to the original firmware if needed? ( I have been sitting on the fence w.r.t the Venus update.)  
Magico's M9
@mikelavigne , i heard it at hayward. I've owned a couple of the older Magicos. After a certain price point, many speaker brands converge to a threshold for resolution, detail, slam, visceral bass impact, imaging, etc, whatever...But, Magico has n... 
Magico's M9
@mikelavigne , what "performance" are you hoping to hear? Put it in words.  On the same note, i have heard this speaker. Did i hear anything otherworldy that any ol' Scweikert, Borresen, etc didn't do? No. But, if you heard anything wild w.r.t "p... 
Magico's M9
@jim204 I certainly DO NOT wish i can afford this eye sore.  I know they are selling diddly on this model in spite of all the ferocious marketing. Alon needs to admit he effed up making a speaker look like a overpriced giant whale phallus and move...