Responses from dcstep
PC vs MAC laptop as music server I'd be concerned about keeping an archive on either type of laptop. I've had harddrives go out on two of my laptop PCs and one of my PowerBook Pros. If you back up with a RAID (preferably wireless and automatically) then you'll be fine with either... | |
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive? Oklala said:"2007 BMW 328 sedan for a little over a year now. I still find owning it exciting. My first "nice" car, it cost more than three times my first three cars combined. As much as I like the beemer, its not a Boxster. I purchased the used s... | |
jeff rowland model one How does it sound? A lot has changes in 18-years; however, if it still drives your speakers satisfactorily then ther'e no need to change.Dave | |
New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre When I visited Jeff in his shop he talked about being amazed at how different an amp or pre-amp could sound by changing one or two internal wire. He held up three or four little micro-strands of wires, all of which he'd tried in some recent projec... | |
distance between speakers Newbee said:"Clio09, Nice speakers I think. I've read about them and would like to hear them someday. I've always wanted to do business with Duke."I prefer Vienna Acoustic, but I must say that Duke had some of the best speakers at the last RMAF. S... | |
distance between speakers Jax2, I should say that I think that you and I basically agree.I feel a need to reemphasize the need to get away from physical geometric measurements and to place speakers via a method that places based on energy levels. There're so much misplaced... | |
distance between speakers Jax2 said:"The OP's question is pretty simple though, and was answered straight away by Newbee."I disagree. The OP's question implied that he was attempting to set up his speakers by measuring the placement. Newbee merely said to measure from the ... | |
distance between speakers Every speaker and every room is different. In my 50+ years of audiophilia, I've never had a room that didn't have irregular measurements or opennings that would defeat this extremely naive measurement concept.You need a method that equalizes the e... | |
Help What's Wrong with my System Well, you've had lots of good suggestions, but those speakers must be closer to the back wall to get a balanced response. If you move them back to within about 10" of the wall you should notice tons of added bass. The problem will be that the bass... | |
Jennifer Warnes 20th Ann Famous Blue Raincoat RI I don't know where I was when it first came out, but I missed the original hullabaloo. I bought the recent reissue (Cisco I think) and find it "interesting." I "discovered" her on the Wasserman "Duets" CD which had her doing "Ballad of the Runaway... | |
Wadia 170iTransport - To mod, or not to mod? I'd focus my attention on the clock and DAC downstream of the Wadia. IMHO, it only makes sense to mod the Wadia if you use its analog outputs.I'm using mine with the Playback Designs MPS-5 as the DAC. The designer claims zero jitter and I can't he... | |
Help What's Wrong with my System Yes, you need to describe how the sound changed and where the speakers are placed relative to the rear wall and where on the long wall. Hint, they should be pretty close to the back wall. The short wall might be better placement, since it's relati... | |
Treble of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand? Stereomojo said:"I then set them up in Room B or the small room, well away from the back and spies walls and in an equilateral triangle position with the listener. 20 stands were used to prop them up."That's pathetic. Almost any speaker will soun... | |
DAC vs. New CDP It's time to update. I'm from the camp that believes that modern upsampling DAC are way ahead of the last generation. A really great DAC is all you need, BUT you might consider getting a CDP with a great DAC, but make sure that it has a digital in... | |
Review: Sumiko Speaker Set Speaker Here's a thread on another forum that grew out of this thread:AudioCircle Master Set ThreadIt's nice to see this improvement technique spreading around the world. ;-)Dave |