
Responses from dcaudio

Best internet radio
Thanks. Mean internet. Basically having a radio where you enter the internet address and listen to internet stations. Like the short wave with better sound quality. Thanks 
Upgrade turntable, arm or cartridge?
Pre-amp includes phone stage. Nagra PL-P.Tube based. Single ended. 
van den Hul cartridge - platinum coils
My cartridge cantilever broke today, so I will need to make a decision quickly.Any thoughts on spending $ 600 for a retip on a Grasshopper IV or $ 1,600 on a Grasshopper IV with Platinum coils.My turntable is Oracle Delphi II with Eminent Technolo... 
Verity Audio Lohengrin: WOW Can't beleive this...
I would love to have a pair myself.However, I don't understand why a pair of speakers need to be $ 80 k.If the components and cabinets cost say $ 5 to $ 7k.My sense is the manufacturer would make more profit if they sold for $ 20 k. Maybe need to ... 
1, 2 , 3 , 4, etc of speaker mod / upgrade
Yes of course I meant B110. Great mid range driver.Thanks for the information!!! 
1, 2 , 3 , 4, etc of speaker mod / upgrade
Thanks everyone. The speakers are in excellent condition. I would not consider this project if they were not. It is a large European speaker 4ft tall by 1 ft by 2 ft.Uses KEF B139 in bass; KEF B100 for low mid; Isophone dome for mid upper and Auda... 
PS Audio Power Plant or Power Plant Premier
Mine is a Cullen modified P1000 unit (stage 2). I have only tried the sine wave option. The unit has all multiwave and clean wave options.Also, from feedback, it sounds as the old one (P1000 etc) is the only one that does true regeneration. Balanc... 
Room or speaker resonance???
Yes, I am using a Radio Shack analog meter. Could it be the microphone??I have checked the VU meter on my preamp in, and the VU meter is set to a constant 0 dB through the measurement. 
External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES
Update. Followed the advice to buy the auction of a Superclock on Audiogon:1. Super Clock 4 never installed and Audiocom Super Clock 2/3 power supply was used with previous SC versions. Power supply is used.2. Will use a high end power cable.I wil... 
External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES
I am using the stock power cable from Sony. I recently bought a PS Audio Power Plant. It made a very nice improvement on the CD player. I have not tried to use a high end power cord. I may want to try that.Sounds as the combo may be Super clock an... 
External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES
I thought about the advice overnight.1. Investing more into vinyl is an answer, but not the one for me. I am trying to get the CDs and SACDs I have sound better.2. Superclock 4 sounds interesting. Gets the board into an existing unit. Improved bot... 
External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES
I do not have the Superclock. I believe it is two parts. A circuit board and a power supply for the circuit board. Is this a mod I can do myself or do i have to send it in? Does this upgrade only change redbook or also improve SACD? 
Using Nagra VPA to drive Soundlabs
Thanks. That was what I suspected. 
Best battery type for Nagra PL-P
Thanks for feedback. My batteries are two years old. If I listen over a weekend, they discharge over the next day or two. If I want to listen to music say a week later, I need to turn on the charger and charge for 15 minutes before turning the pre... 
Etude MP1
Interesting!!!! Mine were build in June 1984 for me. 4 way. 4 separate speaker connections allowing - quad-amping - if one wants to spend money on amps.KEF B139 (1); Kef B110 (1); Isophone midrange (1); Audax tweeter (2).What speaker units are in ...