
Responses from dbphd

Added value of separate server?
John Atkinson's recent Stereophile review of the Ayre QX-5 Twenty Digital Hub  suggests its digital-to-analog processing is superb, and when couple with the KX-5 Twenty preamp so is the resulting sound.Files from the iMac are backed up daily by Ti... 
Best Preamp for Ayre Acoustics CX-7eMP?
Go with the K-5xeMP and use balanced connections.  I used a K-5xeMP with my C-5xeMP before upgrading to a KX-5 Twenty and VX-5 Twenty combination, but the K-5xeMP gave me most of what I was seeking, i.e., the depth of soundstage and a bit of warmt... 
Ayre Acoustics AX-5 Twenty
I had been playing around with a pair of Cary CAD 572 SE monoblocks to drive KEF LS50s.  When I introduced an Ayre K-5xeMP it seemed to move the sound even with solid state amps a bit in the direction of the Cary tube amps.  I'm now using a KX-5 T... 
connecting a sub-woofer to a preamp
The single-ended outputs are what Charles Hansen recommended for my KX-5 Twenty.  They go to a Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager that controls a pair of Velodyne HGS-10s.  He strongly discouraged inserting anything, e.g., high-pass filter,  between the ... 
Dedicated Music server vs Mac mini on a Devialet via Ethernet (AIR) connection
Thanks, shadorne.  The only difference in configuration would be ethernet through house wiring v direct cable from Mini.db 
Dedicated Music server vs Mac mini on a Devialet via Ethernet (AIR) connection
shadorne,  I'm using Roon to send files from my iMac via ethernet over home wiring to an Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC.  The SQ is excellent, especially with downloaded DSD files.  I've wondered if it might be better to store the files on my Mac Mini and c... 
AURALiC Aries price reduction
I confess to being confused about what goes together.  I'm running Roon as a core on an upstairs iMac and planned to run the Roon remote app downstairs on my iPad.  The Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC is downstairs and receives files via ethernet.  Would a N... 
Blu-ray Audio 2.0 LPCM vs. 5.1 DTS-HD
I also prefer 5.1 DTS-HD from my Oppo 205 with balanced stereo analog to an Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp.  The setting is down-mixed stereo.  For SACDs and CDs, I much prefer my Ayre C-5xeMP.db  
Fair price for my Wilson Audio Sophia 2 Speakers
The three most recent sales reported in the Audiogon Blue Book are $4.1, 5.6, and 4K, all in 2016. 
Oppo 105 vs 205
Analog audio is distinctly superior with the 205, but it doesn’t provide the 105 services like Netflix, Berlin Philharmonic, etc., and it is more glitch prone with DirecTV. I plan to use my 205 for Blu-ray and UHD, my 105 for DirecTV, Netflix, and... 
KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms?
I'm using a pair of LS50s driven by Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp and VX-5 amp.  They are supplemented below 100 Hz by a pair of Velodyne HGS-10s and SMS-1 bass manager with acoustic room correction.  Sources are Ayre C-5xeMP, Oppo 205, and files manage... 
Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass
Dave (audiotory),I'm using an Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp and VX-5 amp to drive LS50s with the idea of eventually replacing the LS50s with something like Blade 2s.  Would that be a good match?  I had originally planned to replace the LS50s with my KEF... 
KEF Reference 207/2s, 3s, or Blade 2s
I'm 81; my mother and three of her siblings lived to over 100, so 20 years might be the correct period.  The 207/2s are $7K, Blade 2s $14K.db 
Kef 207/2 ---Kef Blades
yyzssantabarbara,If you have Blades in or near Santa Barbara I'd love to hear them.  We're at 969-4310, dbphd@cox.net.  I have KEF Reference 107/2s, and from reviews think Blades may be an appropriate replacement, but I haven't actually heard them.db 
Oppo UDP - 205
I've been using my 105, because of annoying audio problems using the  205 with DirecTV that don't occur with the 105.  Having learned about the firmware update, I reinstalled the 205 and updated it.  The annoying problems appear to have been fixed...