
Responses from dbphd

Single vs. Dual Subs
I use a pair of Velodyne HGS-15s in the corners of a 14’ X 19’ room with acoustic room correction by an SMS-1 to supplement KEF Reference 1s below 80 Hz @ 24 dB/octave. The result is excellent. I’ve tried a couple of high-pass filters, but they se... 
I finally added a second REL Sub
I’m using two Velodyne HGS-15s to supplement KEF Reference 1s below 80 Hz. LR output from an Ayre KX-5/20 preamp goes to a SMS-1 bass manager that provides acoustic room correction for the HGS-15s. The sound is superb, never aware of the individua... 
Who Uses Rear Surround Speakers For Music Playback?
If the music was recorded with surround channels I'm inlined to use them, but I tend to avoid the derived surround modes the Bryston SP3 processor can generate.  I use KEF LS50s for side and rear surround. 
Trip down memory lane
Don’t need a turntable, didn’t need a Ferrari Testarossa. I enjoy looking at them, especially the Thorens TD 124 with SME II arm. I was wowed when I first saw one, but it was well beyond my means. That was then; this is now. I’m inclined to view v... 
Trip down memory lane
If you equate icon with decoration it would be strange.  Prettiness isn't the point of my collection.  192/24 streamed via Ethernet to my Ayre QX-5 Twenty is nothing to sneer at. 
Bluesound Node 2 vs. Node 2i
Does either have USB output for an external DAC? 
Processor direct to amp?
The problem was pilot error. I hadn’t read the manual and didn’t realize there was a button to press to move it from standby to on. The smaller NAD C-268 amps turn on with signal. I’m using the M-22 in balanced mode., driving KEF Reference 1s. The... 
Is carpet on wall behind speakers counter productive?
simonmoon, the carpet is already inplace and has been for years. It was aimed at splash-over from projection, a problem I no longer have. I think I’ll follow mijostyn’s suggestion and leave it up. Above 2’ most of the wall between the speakers is ... 
While reading this thread I began to wonder about the carpet on the wall behind the speakers. I put it there when the projection setup was installed, but there are other ways to darken the wall. Is that counter productive? The speakers are a pair ... 
Dumb question HT bypass
fuzztone, I think you had the answer in the post by reubent immediately following your original post. The sound quality of the front LR will depend on the quality of the DAC in the AVR. I doubt your contention that most who have an AVR also have a... 
Dumb question HT bypass
As I understand it, if you send HDMI to a processor or AVR that sends front LR to the by-pass input of a preamp, you're relying on the DAC in the processor, so it better be good.  I use a Bryston SP3, and its DAC appears to be very good. 
Dumb question HT bypass
Not sure if any AVRs have balanced pre-outs, but I use XLR cables from processor to preamp. Setup works just as Reuben describes. Source is either balanced stereo direct to preamp or HDMI to processor that sends balanced front LR to preamp. 
Stacking subs
Another possibility is to use LFE from the SP3 with my third, as yet unused, HGS-15. In that case the sub would be on the side wall. The real advantage is that I wouldn’t need to mess with the current setup that sounds so good. Previously I percei... 
Speaker arrangement terminology
I was asking about conventional usage; I doubt decree applies.  I assume LFE is encoded as a separate channel, but I wonder about counting channels rather than outputs.auxinput, your suggestion of switching the roles of the HGS-15s and HGS-10s see... 
Speaker arrangement terminology
An output of the Ayre preamp goes to a Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager that provides acoustic room correction for a pair of HGS-15 subs. Each sub is connected via a separate balanced line, but the bass is monaural, so by russ69’s counting my setup is ...