
Responses from dbphd

I'm not sure what I need
Start with one and add a second later.  Two usually smoothes the bass.  I think Darko suggests if only one it might be placed between the mains.  Mine are placed on Auralex pads at the bass of the KEF stands, but the pads may not be needed --  I j... 
I'm not sure what I need
Yes!  I use a pair of KEF KC62 subs to augment LS50s and they pair very well, as they were designed to do. It’s amazing these little hi-tech subs can deliver both felt and heard pipe organ pedal notes, and can also high-pass to the LS50s. You migh... 
Moving Roon from Mini to Nucleus: PITA
With a lot of help from Ryan at Ayre, Roon is playing via Ethernet to the QX-5 Twenty, and sounds superb. The MESH network is up. I’m a happy camper. db  
Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.
There’s a used N100 on eBay asking under $1800. I like to buy high-quality stuff used. If you could find a used Ayre QB-9 Twenty, that’d be a fine DAC to present balanced input to your MAC preamp. It’s Roon and Qobuz for me, I rarely spin anythin... 
Roon confusion
sbank, I think I haven’t been downloading the QX-5 OS update properly to the flash drive, so Ayre is downloading it to a flash drive they will ship to me. That should get the QX-5 certified again, plus a bunch updates Ayre has made that I’m missin... 
Roon confusion
    Thanks for the clear statement, thyname. I’ve been using Roon for several years, and I'm often confused about what’s doing what. I recently moved Roon core from a Mini to a Nucleus. Roon in the Mini played with my Ayre QX-5 endpoint, but Ro... 
Is anyone using a large-screen TV/music setup as your personal computer setup as well?
In our living room I occasionally use a Mac Mini connected to a Sony 65 XBR, but the video resolution leaves something to be desired.  The keyboard is comfortable on my lap, the mouse on the arm of a chair.  But I've use that mostly to set up the ... 
Moving Roon from Mini to Nucleus: PITA
I’m having a problem updating the QX-5 so it’s certified, likely an error in loading the flash drive used to transfer the update. I’ll try to fix tomorrow. HDMI from the Nucleus to a Bryston SP3 that passes balanced analog to an Ayre KX-5 pream... 
Moving Roon from Mini to Nucleus: PITA
erik, Roon core ran on a Mini downstairs on a MESH network. The router and QX-5 are upstairs and were connected to a MESH node via Ethernet cable. Both now connect directly to Ethernet. The QX-5 takes in Ethernet and outputs balanced analog. Call ... 
Mixing Ethernet Cables
You might want to look into a Goggle MESH network. The nodes feed ethernet cable to the components. Our router is upstairs, the Mac Mini server that runs Roon core is downstairs; one streamer is upstairs, the other downstairs. The sound quality is... 
Cheapest way to enhance SQ with digital streaming
sns, I'm still confused about the distinction between server and streamer.  To be specific, my router, Roon Nucleus, and Ayre QX-5 (Roon endpoint) connect to an Ethernet switch.  So is the Nucleus the server and the QX-5 the streamer with a builti... 
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject
3, 2, 1&4   
Wireless vs. Ethernet for Streaming
My router is upstairs and connected to a Google MESH network that services an Ayre QX-5 Twenty upstairs and an ultraRendu downstairs that sends USB to an Ayre QB-9 DSD. The QB-9 displays 192 for files that Roon shows as 192/24. I’ll be connecting ... 
Best Server To Run Roon Core
I briefly used USB from a Mini to an Oppo 205 with balanced analog to a pair of Parasound JC 1 monoblocks. Then I switched to USB from the Mini to an Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC with balanced analog through an Ayre K-5xeMP preamp to the JC 1s. A big jump in... 
Best Server To Run Roon Core
I’m still undecided. Setup will be router, server, Ayre QX-5 Twenty, and Google MESH node connected to an Ethernet switch upstairs. The server and QX-5 will be connected directly to Ethernet, but the utraRendu with LPS 1.2 and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC do...