
Responses from dayglow

Do you ration your favorite music?
No, I think the key(for me) is to keep your music collection somewhat limited. This way every recording has nearly the same value and interest. 
Primare i21 vs. Yamaha A-S2000
Is there something you dont like about the i21? If not the Primare i31 is a nice upgrade(dual mono). 
What to upgrade first
I sound like a broken record! Upgrade your analog gear! 
First song to "Blow You Away"...
Around age 12 I started listening to FM-AOR radio. Had very little interest in disco that was taking over Top 40 radio. The first time I heard Slow Ride by Foghat(live version)I couldn't believe how loud and large a rock band could sound! 
Top 5 Song Writers Of The 80's
Michael BeenJoe JacksonMark KnopflerVan MorrisonGerry Rafferty 
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's
Thanx for the many great selections. Sir Lord Baltimore-Boulder Damn and Night Sun are great bands that I was unfamiliar with. Also discovered Armageddon-st-1975. If your familiar with Armageddon is it worth the effort and cost to obtain an import... 
Music that everyone else loves but you just don't
Billie HolidayBob DylanDavid BowieMichael JacksonU2Whitney HoustonNirvanaRadioheadWhite StripesKings of LeonI'm proud to say I have never purchased any of their recordings! 
Laying it on the line
Are you Tommy Chong? 
Best Integrated, period.
Anyone heard the Neodio NR 1200 or Norma IPA-140. I'm curious if there on the same level as the Dartzeel-Gryphon-Vitus or VAC. 
What Power Cord can improve clarity and bass slam?
Lloydelee21-Almost purchased a new Gran Corona but the cheap Nema plug on a $850 pc doesn't seem right? With the PAD I wasn't sure which cord is the best value due to so many cords in their product line. If you could comment on the strengths and w... 
What Power Cord can improve clarity and bass slam?
Just purchased an Acoustic Revive Reference pc. So far the results are mixed. Clarity and bass definition have improved considerably, with some sacrifice of dynamics and bass weight when compared to my "budget" Opera Ella Baby cords. The AR(solid ... 
Accuphase e-360 - anyone heard it?
Hi, Donjr. I have not heard the new E-360. IMO a class A Accuphase intergrated(used ok?)would fulfill your needs. 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
Grainless, Shameless and Painless!!! 
best vintage stereo receiver
Since I owned a Toshiba SA-750 in high school(30 years ago ouch!) and it sounded as good as my next upgrade Adcom-545 and Adcom preamp. I can only assume the flagship Toshiba SA-7150(dual mono) would give any vintage receiver a good battle. 
Why aren't current country albums on vinyl
Maybe country folk have a better use for vinyl, as roof refurbishing for a slew of junk cars?