
Responses from david12

New tubes, possible matching difficulties
I checked, the drivers are 6SN7EH, electro harmonix units. If you have any other ideas I would be grateful, but as you are the second person to suggest a driver upgrade, that is probably the place to start. With what, is another matter 
importance of phono cartridge
The direct answer to a direct question for me is that the more expensive TT/Tonearm with cheaper cartridge is going to be the better bet 9 times ot of 10. Not least because the cartridge has such a finite life, very finite if you have an accident.... 
Turntables New vs Used
Many responders to Gon threads will be basically 2nd user enthusiasts, having come at the thread site through the for sale section. I am no exception and my whole system is 2nd user and ex dem. Responders have pointed out the problems with used tu... 
New tubes, possible matching difficulties
Sorry, I should have been more specific: 2, 845 output valves, 2, 211 Rectifier 2, stock 6SN7GT Drivers, I live in the UK and Nick, the UK Viva importer I know quite well, has suggested that upgrading the drivers is an option. The Aurora uses 845... 
I believe the 22 watt push pull is the 300B model. I purchased the Solista on the Gon about a month ago and it's a keeper. It's 17 watts, but a Class A SET based on 845 valves and certainly drives my living Voice Avatars wonderfully, great drive i... 
does more power=better quality ?
What an interesting thread, amongst all the angst and outrage, some telling points have been made and I've learnt a lot. The only fair conclusion is that there is'nt one, some of the assumptions are revealing, particularly the one that the more ac... 
Have Pre/Power amps had there day?
I am not sure I agree with fedreams that its a fad, if it is, then it will cost the manufacturers money. Integrated amps are so much more cost effective. This particularly applies to tube amps, where adding an input selector and volume control may... 
Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers
The Viva Solista integrated has arrived and is up and running. I heartily recommend it, 18 watts Class A SET using 845 valves, it has delicacy, far more drive than my Pass Labs Aleph 3, excellent base and of course a magical midrange. I certainly ... 
Tube power vs Solid state power, how much is enoug
Can I raise another can of worms, after this excellent thread seems to have come to a natural conclusion. Most people agree there is a difference between tube and SS watts, possibly related to the tube amps prediliction for "soft clipping", but wh... 
Rogue 66 Magnum vs. CJ Premier 17 LS
I would buy a 2nd hand 17, a simply wonderful tube pre. I saw it expressed by a number of 'gonners, that the 17 was 70% of the ACT2 performance and the 16, maybe 75/80%. Unless you have a reference level system, I can't see you need more than the ... 
Good 845 integrated
Don't forget the Viva Solista, it's a monster, but a magical sound. I heard it at the UK HiFi show in April and it really was very good. Admittedly driving sensitive speakers, but in a very large room. Clean, dynamic, good base(unlike some 300B SE... 
Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers
Yes the speakers are biwirable, but at 94db sensitivity, I am trying to keep it simple and low powered. I don't really have the room for Bi-amping 
Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers
Flyingred. your quite right, i was looking to spend $2000, but this is an integrated. In the UK I should be able to sell my Conrad Johnson Prem 17 for $3500ish and the Pass Labs Aleph 3 for$1200, so I should be pretty well cost neutral after shipp... 
Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers
Thanks for all the advise, very helpful indeed. I was on the point of getting the Welborne lab SET monoblocks. I asked Kevin who builds LV speakers, he thought 8 Watts was not enough for all circumstances(crescendo of a Mahler Symphony) . He thogh... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
I agree with other contributors, what a good thread. I am ashamed to say, I had heard little of 845's until the recent UK Hi End show at heathrow. Nick the importer of Viva amps was using the Solista integrated to drive sensitive ART speakers in a...